Chapter 18: Careers

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~The Next Day || Seojun's POV~

Walking down the crowded hallway of students, everyone moved aside when I approached near them.

Noticing their deep glares, and their gossips about me, I pulled out my earbuds. Placing them into my ear, I turned left to enter my class.

I sat in my seat, the one that was near the window. All the students continued to stay away from me which was a little strange, yet it didn't bother me much.

Then our teacher Mr. Choi entered the room. "Alright, students, back to your seats. Pull out your notebook and we'll continue our lesson from yesterday."

After class, everyone still kept their distances from me. I shut my locker, finding a few girls hiding behind it.

"Umm.. Can I help you?" I rose a brow.

"Is it true that you and Rae Hyun got into a fight?" A girl ask, hugging her chest.


"Oh! And Suga, are you really related to him?!" Another squealed.


"Ani! What about your mom? Is she J-Hope oppa's little sister? Or is she lying to you?"

"Can't all of you fangirl somewhere else?" My sister stepped in.

"Mi Yeong!" I softly whispered with a smile.

"Yah, move aside. You don't belong here." The first girl puffed her chest.

Mi Yeong scoffed, "Wae are you puffing your chest? It's like you got plastic surgery to become a stripper or something."


I broke into laughter, looking at the girls as they felt offended. They glanced at us with disgust and finally rushed to leave.

"Well done."

"Could've been better if appa was here." Mi Yeong smirked, flipping her hair.

"Anyway, thanks for the help."

"No problem," she smiled. "Now c'mon. Seungcheol's waiting outside for us."

"Ooh~ Has it been official between you two yet?"

I could tell that my sister was blushing when she hesitated to answer.

"Well, yeah."

"Daebak~ Omma and appa are going to be happy to hear that."

"Especially omma! Oh jee..."

I laughed at her, "That's true! She cherish him as a son-in-law!"


"Awee," I nudged her. "Even I can see that happening. The hyungs and I are already close, so that wouldn't be a huge problem."

"That's because you guys were trainees-"

"If I haven't met them, you and S Coups hyung would've never had this kind of relationship." I cut her.

Mi Yeong blinked and stayed silent. I sighed, holding her shoulder.

"I'm just happy that you two are together again.. You make a real cute couple, like omma and appa."

"Aish, Seojun."

I chuckled, rushing towards Seungcheol's car.

~Soo Ah's POV~

"Is there any mail for me?" Suga asked, sipping his coffee.

"Ani." I replied, still going through the papers until I came to something familiar. "Omo!"


"But Mi Yeong and Seojun does! YG Entertainment, and JYP! Oh my goodness honey!" I squealed with happiness, jumping from my chair.

"Omo, calm down!" My husband placed down his mug. "Is it for their careers?"

I quickly nodded, the tears filling my eyes. "Aigoo~ I'm so proud of them!"

Suddenly there was a knock on our door, and it swung open.

"Omma? Appa? We're home from school!" Seojun shouted.

"My babies!" I shouted, rushing towards them with the mail in my hands. "I'm so-" I stopped to see Seungcheol closing the door. "Oh.. Seungcheol's here too!"

"A-Ah, yeah.." Mi Yeong softly smiled.

"So, what were you saying omma?" Seojun titled his head.

"Oh right! I'm so proud of you kids!"

They smiled at me awkwardly, "Wae?" Mi Yeong asked.

Suga coughed, "Honey."

"Oh goodness! I almost forget. Here." I smiled brightly, handing them their mail. Seojun took JYP, and Mi Yeong took YG's mail.

They both widen their eyes, looking at each other and quickly opened it.

Yoon Gi pulled me close to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as our daughter opened her mail first. Clearing her throat, she read it aloud.

"Dear Miss. Mi Yeong, as the company of YG Entertainment, we have decided that your trainee years has come to an end."

Mi Yeong looked up at us, squealing with excitement as Seungcheol smiled at her.

"We would like confirm you into your first ever drama, and experience your life now as an actress. For further information, please attend our meeting on November 28th at 12 p.m. Thank you for your hard work. Signed, YG!" Her eyes started to tear up, then jumping into Seungcheol's embrace with excitement.

"I told you that you'd make it! Congrats!" Seungcheol cheered.

"Oh, my, f-!!! AHH! I DID IT!!" She screamed.

"Alright, now its your brother's turn." Yoon Gi said, turning to our son.

Seojun cleared his throat, "Dear Mr. Seojun, we would like to announce your final days as a trainee and take the next step to work on your debute. Your debute takes place early, so please come during our hours to discuss further plans on October 26th. Signed, JYP.."

"That was short.." I frowned.

"But at least I got in," Seojun smiled.

"Good job, kiddo." Suga leaned to pat his shoulder. "I'm beyond proud of you."

"Gomas appa.."

"Omo..." I wiped my cheeks. "Like father like son..."

My husband chuckled, rubbing my arm. "And we're getting older... Day by day.."

"Omma, appa..." Mi Yeong and Seojun softly smiled at us.


"Mi Yeong has some news to tell you." Seojun pushed his elder sister.

Mi Yeong motioned Seungcheol close, my suspicions growing larger.

Oh goodness... Please be something good for me..

"Seungcheol and I got back togegher.." She softly smiled.

Yoon Gi dropped his jaw, my eyes widen as we both grew speechless.

"A-Are you serious?" I questioned my daughter as she nodded.

"WELCOME BACK MY SON!" Yoon Gi shouted, bringing S Coups into a hug.

"Honey!" I frowned, hitting him. "But that's good news! I'm so happy that you two love birds are together.." I tucked my daughter's hair behind her ear. "You deserve so much positivity..." I looked over at my son, then pulling him closer to us. "You too Seojun.. Both of you..."


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