Chapter 28: Symptoms

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~Mi Yeong's POV~

"Soo Ahie~ Wake up," Uncle Ho Seok brightly said, pinching omma's cheeks.

She opened one eye, blinking through her sleepiness "Mhmm..."

I approached them, crouching besides my mother. "Omma, Uncle Jin has a surprise for you."

"Oh, right! Yes, come on Soo Ah, hurry and get up!" Uncle Ho Seok chuckled while omma stared with confusion.

I helped her get off the couch, then rushing to the kitchen where Jin and Appa were cooking, along with Nam Joon's help.

"Oh! Soo Ah!" Jin brightly waved at omma, then raising his hand intertwined with Nam Joon.

"Omo! Did you confess?!" Her eyes widen.

He and Nam Joon nodded, flushing with redness.

"Omo! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you Jin!" She ran up towards him, giving him a hug.

Unce Jin chuckled, hugging her back, "I should be thanking you for your help, and understanding.."

I stood next to my brother, my arms crossed over my chest as we watched our mother went up behind appa for a hug.

"They seem happy again."

"They were always happy. They're just... Struggling." I tilted my head.

"I guess," Seojun murmured.

"Lunch is served!" Uncle Jin hollered, our uncles rushing in as their girlfriends causally walked in.

"Sometimes, I can't decide if we're living a normal life, or that we're with World Wide Korean stars." Seojun chuckled as I laughed.

"Honestly, I can agree with that."

My brother and I then approached to our seats besides our parents.

"So, what we have as you can see is lettuce, rice, pork belly, rib eye, some beef, and, drum roll please!"

The maknae line drummed their chopsticks against the table eagerly.

"Corn and cheese!"

"Wah, so classic." Omma clasped her hands.

"Thank you, it was my idea." Uncle Nam Joon bowed.

~Soo Ah's POV~

"Soo Ah," My husband cleared his throat.

I looked up at him, noticing he held a lettuce wrapped meat near my mouth. So I leaned forward to take the bite, but he drew back, stuffing it into his mouth instead.

"Aigoo! You're seriously not a gentleman!" Britney pointed out.

I laughed at him, making my own wrap. "It's Yoon Gi. You can't blame him since it's his favorite."

After we finished our meal and cleaned up, each member was with their loved ones, my children were practicing together, and I sat alone in the dining room with paperwork.

I started coughing, but I started coughing harder so I grabbed a tissue. The pulling the tissue away to only find blood stains.

I grew shocked, quickly pulling it away as I continued to go through my medical paperwork.

"Min Soo Ah's Cardiac Tumor Removal"

"Baby, please.." A voice sounded behind me.

"Yoon Gi? I thought you were helping Seojun with his music.." I softly said, hiding the tissue.

"He doesn't need my help," He scoffed, then grabbing my hand. "But please quickly make your decision... I don't want you to suffer like this..."

Suga took the bloody tissue to throw away. Then pulling out a glass cup to pour water.

"I still need to tell the kids.."

"Just tell them," My husband handed me the cup. I took it from him, taking a sip. "You just hit stage 3-"

"I have not." I frowned.

"Really?" He rose his brow. "Your ankles are already swollen, you're complexion has really changed, and look! There's even fucking blood on that tissue. Soo Ah, please don't stall anymore and get surgery... I may not know how it feels, but what I do know is that its frightening. And you should know that I'm always going to be here to support you til death."

"Even if you give me courage, and a headache, I can't stop loving you." I chuckled, rubbing the temples of my forehead.

"Right, sorry baby." He kissed my forehead, then gathering the paperwork. "You should go rest up, and we'll all decide and explain everything to everyone tomorrow."

"Alright, alright." I say, slowly getting up as my husband helped me.

"And remember to take it easy on yourself..."


Hey guys! So for maybe only this week(??) I'm going to upload chapters more than usually!

I hope you guys are alright with that..

Anywho, please vote and comment :') thank you lovelys! 😘

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