Chapter 31: Operation

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~Suga's POV~

Each day went by like lightning. I watched Soo Ah grow weaker every second, and the fear in everyone as well. Our driver picked us up into two separate black vans to the hospital where the paparazzi waited patiently.

"There they are again..." Isabel mumbled.

I sighed, looking over my shoulder where my wife laid her head. Her eyes were close, her eye bags becoming noticeable, along with her pale and weak complexion.

Just endure it for a while, okay?

I tightly held her hand as the car finally stopped at it's destination. Our body guards came out, blocking the photographers in order to open the doors for us.

The paparazzis quickly crowded around us, flashing their flash, clicking their cameras, and shoving their mics. I pulled Soo Ah close to me, the boys helping their girlfriends and Seojun and Mi Yeong into the center of our group.

"Question! Why has Bangtan and the crew been so quiet lately? Is it because of Soo Ah's health problems?" One asked.

"Mr. Yoon Gi! We've heard that your wife is suffering from heart tumor! What is your opinion, and her current condition right now?" Then many more.

"The Min siblings! We've heard about Seojun's trainee release date, and Mi Yeong's debut! How are you both feeling?"

My children looked at me, Ho Seok and I shaking our heads. They nodded and continued to stay in the center.

"Hang in there, alright? You can do it, and I know that..." I whispered into my wife's ear.

When we finally entered through the hospital doors, our body guards blocking the entrance as the nurses and doctor rushed towards us with their portable bed.

"We are terribly sorry for the delay. A few patients needed something urgent," A nurse replied.

"It's alright," I said, helping Soo Ah get onto the bed.

"Fighting Soo Ah!" The girls said.

"Omma... Please be alright.." Mi Yeong softly said, wrapping her arm around Seojun's.

"Where's her packet?" The doctor asked.

"Here," the nurse handed over as we started pushing the bed.

"Please endure it a little longer, Soo Ah.. Jebal..." I softly whispered, tears forming in my eyes.

There, she gave me the weakest smile, the tears already flowing down her cheek.

"No promises can be kept well.. I love you Yoon Gi..."

I stared at her, my heartbeat thumping loudly as everything went by slowly. Soo Ah looked away from me, her eyes shut while the doors opened into the emergency room.

From there, who knew what else was going to happen.

"The tumor is spreading quickly, and I can tell that I'm close to the last stage... If the surgery doesn't end well, please don't make the wrong choices... Because Bangtan, your fans, and most importantly, our children are there to help.."

"But if you succeed, then we stay together happily as one big family, watching our kids grow older each second.."

"Yoon Gi... Please don't say such thing-"

"Ani! Soo Ah-"

"Haven't you heard from the doctor?! I could've been dead eariler! The tumor has been in me for a year and a half! And the symptoms just was never notciable until now..."

"Then promise me.. Promise me that you'll have the strength to make it through. Make sure that our fate won't let us separate like this..."

~Taehyung's POV~

We all watched Suga hyung pushing Soo Ah away further. Anxiety grew in me, my hand became shakey until Ngoc's soft hands intertwined with mine.

"She'll be fine..." My girlfriend reassured me.

"Right, of course... She will.." I sighed, tightly holding her hand.

"What stage is omma at?" Seojun asked.

I looked at him, then at everyone else in silence. Mi Yeong was looking directly at her brother. She reached out, holding his arm as she shook her head.

Does she know? Did she over heard our conversation?

"Uhm... Sweetie, let's just say that it may be a bit risky, you know?" Isabel softly said, her hands over his shoulders. "But we're positive that she'll succeed."


Seojun exhaled deeply, Mi Yeong looked away while Suga hyung approached towards us.

"Do you know how long it'll take?" Ho seok asked.

"4 to 5 hours.." He said, then walking off.

Suddenly Mi Yeong's phone starting ringing. She gave us a sheepish smile, as I blinked at her. "Mian haeyo.. But I need to answer this."

"Uh, sure," Rap Monster hyung nodded as the young one was excused.

"Back to Yoon Gi, I say we don't bother him until the surgery is done." Jin stated.

"Better to be safe than sorry, right?" I shurgged.


The next chapter will be very sad!! (Well, I'm not sure some of you will have the same reaction since I legit cried LOL 😅😅)
But I really hope you guys will really enjoy the chapter, abd this story :)
So please vote and comment, and thank you! 💕

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