Chapter 12: Getaway

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~Suga's POV~

We went back home after the appointment, Soo Ah went up to our room while everyone else was downstairs.

"This is even more to handle as parents.." Cindy softly said.

"Mhm.." I led out a deep sigh, sinking into the couch.

"Who wants snacks?" Jin smiled, bring out a tray of fruits, crackers, and tea. "It's not the best, but we haven't eaten all day.."

"Ooh! I do!" Jungkook and Taehyung brightly smiled, then taking some.

"Soo Ah! Do you want some before you leave?" Rap Monster suggested as she was walking down towards us.

She was completely dressed up. Her hair tied into a high ponytail, dressed into her athletic clothing.

"Just the crackers before I leave," she softly said, grabbing some.

"I'll come with you." I smiled, grabbing my keys.

She stared at me, but took the keys from me. "Yoon Gi-"

"Ani, I'm coming." I swiftly stole it from her and rushing to her car to take the drivers seat.

"Wae are you doing this?" She asked, climbing in.

"What do you mean? You need to be under an adults supervision."

"Excuse me?" She rose her brows.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself." I held her hand.

"I know.. You don't have to worry about that." She chuckled.

"Who knows," I brought her hands to my lips.

As we finally reached to a near by forest, we parked the car. Then opening the trunk to grab our gear, bow and arrows.

"Do you always have these in your car?" I teased my wife.

"I just packed them this morning before our appointment." She calmly said, reaching for the bow.

I stared at her as she clipped everything into place, then taking the cylinder container that contains all the arrows. Then I grabbed my things, closing the trunk and followed after.

"The target is about twelve feet away. Do you still have the skills?" I asked, looking at it.

"One way to find out."

Soo Ah pulled the arrow onto the string of her bow, calculating her target, then finally letting go. The arrow flew straight like lightning, striking the red.

"After all that, you still do." I gave my wife my gummy smile.

~Soo Ah's POV~

I blinked at him. I haven't seen him smile like that. After seeing that angelic and innocent smile of his, I couldn't handle it anymore.

I love Yoon Gi and my children. But seeing that they're going through a rough time, it reminded me of the past...

Everything became like this because of me..

I twirled over to my left, shooting another target that I hung, also hitting the red zone.

If I haven't done such stupid mistakes in my life...

I twisted over to the right, swinging out my arrow to pulling against my bow.

We wouldn't be in so much pain we are in now.. I wanted to protect my children by staying strong, but more fear stumbled upon me again... I failed terribly...

The string to my bow snatched, whipping my cheek and fingers as I dropped my arrow.

"Soo Ah!" Yoon Gi rushed beside me. "Come on.."

My husband took my hand, leading me near our car to pull out the first aid kit.


"I still need to repay for so many things you've done for me." He cut me off, opening the alcohol padding.

Suga wiped it over my cheek and fingers, making me wince. He softly smiled, then placing a band aid over the wounds.


He nodded, "Well since you're injured, I suppose it's my turn to go."

We walked back to our shooting site. I was observing Yoon Gi, when he prepared himself, to his posture, and the way he placed his fingers and hands. I placed my bow down, approaching him.

"You're suppose to hold it like this." I lifted the arm that he held his arrow, adjusting his bow to face the target directly. "Okay?"

He nodded, focusing on the red then finally letting go. His arrow shot closely next to mine, and I applaud my husband with a smile.

"Good shot."

"Couldn't done it with some guidence," Yoon Gi pulled me close.

I looked up at him, his cold hand around my waist as I gazed up into his eyes. The eye always had deep emotions, but some were great to lock them away from others..

Yoon Gi was that type of person who was sometimes able to control his emotion.

"I love you." He suddenly says, "You know that, right?"

"Of course."

"Then you should know that I don't want to see you get hurt. Physically or mentally."

I chuckled, "You know, this reminds me..."

"Our position switched," Suga leaned in, kissing my lips deeply and passionately.

After I got my mind to settle down, Yoon Gi drove us home peacefully as I ran through my thoughts.

"You always let your emotion take over. Ignore them, and stay strong and things will become easier for you.. It may be difficult, but you can do that Soo Ah.."

We stepped out of the car, then walking towards our door to hear a loud crash.

"Oh god...." Yoon Gi blinked, and we both quickly swung the door to enter.

"You were the one that got in my way to have Chae Yeon!"

"I haven't done a single thing," Seojun replied calmly.

The boy that appeared to be the same age as my son grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Woah! Hey, buddy! Calm down, we can settle this." Seungcheol broke in between them.

"You fucker!" He hissed, violently pushing S Coups away, then pulling a punch across Seojun's face.

"Seojun!" I screamed, running in to break them apart. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Who are you suppose be?" He rose his brow then Yoon Gi stepped in. Suddenly they widen up. "No way.."

"You didn't answer my question." I growled, stepping up close to him. I grabbed him by the ear, pinching it. "What is the meaning of you, daring to step into this household, and hurting my son?"

"Are you alright?" Mi Yeong crouched over Seojun as he chuckled, touching his cheek.

"Is that all you got?"

"You little mother-"

I pinched him harder, giving a deep glare as I waited for his reply.

"Soo Ah, easy on the pinching.."

My husband pointed out that my nails slowly dug into his skin, but I wasn't sure if I should let go. He was a stranger to me, inside our house, messing with the wrong family. And I couldn't let this go that easily.

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