Chapter 40: Final Ending

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~Third POV~


"Taehyung, you've always been an alien," Ngoc chuckled.


"We're all old." Rap Mon replied, taking Jin's hand.

"Which reminds me... When do you think we'll become grandparents?" Soo Ah paced around the living room.

Her husband was laying on the couch, his legs spread out as he rubbed his eyes. "What- Huh? Are you talking to me?"

"Who else would be able to have grandchildren now?" Jungkook rose a brow.

"You and Jimin."

"That's a lie!" Jimin hollered from the kitchen. "My daughter is too young to mess around and-"

"That's enough," Isabel shushed. "Hyunsun just fell asleep.."

"Sorry... Here, I'll take her." Jimin carefully scooped the small child into his arms.

Soo Ah watched them, then giving a soft look over at Jungkook who was with his now three month pregnant wife.

"You haven't answered my question, Yoon Gi."

He sighed, adjusting himself. "I don't know, hun. Just let the kids be-"

"But what happens if their relationship doesn't work out? What will our poor Mi Yeong and Seojun do?!"

"Find a new lover?" He rose a brow.

"Wow..." Britney blinked, J-Hope shaking his head.

Soo Ah growled, hitting his leg. "Aish, close your legs!"

"C'mon, they're grown ups. They'll make their own decisions, and know what's right for them." Suga grabbed his wife's hand. He stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Just like how we chose each other."

"Actually," J-Hope led out a fake cough. "I set you both up-"

"But you secretly didn't like the idea with bipolar opposites." Soo Ah giggled, rolling her eyes. 

Breaking their moment, the door swung open as Mi Yeong screamed and bounced around the house.

"Omo- Our Mi Yeong's home!" Taehyung squealed happily. 

"Thank the lord you didn't choose Taehyung.." Yoon Gi whispered to his wife before letting go. 

Soo Ah frowned then looked over at her daughter, "What's wrong, honey?"

Then S Coups walked in after Mi Yeong, smiling softly. 

"Something's definitely up.." Taehyung narrowed his eyes and rushing to Jungkook. "Do you think half alien children are real?"

"U-Uhm.. Maybe..?" 

Mi Yeong and Seungcheol exchanged looks before she pulled her finger and squealed, "WE'RE ENGAGED!"


"MY LORD, CONGRATULATIONS!" J-Hope screamed, waking up Hyunsun. "Whoops..."

"Aish... It's okay baby girl.." Jimin sighed, and Isabel coming to grab their crying child. 

"Aigoo, that's great news!" Soo Ah tried holding back her excitement, then grabbing Suga's hand. "I under estimated you, honey! Oh my gosh!"


"SHUSH! LET THE BOY SPEAK!" She frowned, then gushing back at Seungcheol. 

"I proposed to her last night during SEVENTEEN's World Tour." Seungcheol smiled happily at his fiancee.

Mi Yeong nodded rapidly, "The boys gave me a pass. And on their final song, he brought me up onstage and proposed!" 

"I'm so proud of you honey!" Soo Ah rushed to hug her daughter. "You too, Seungcheol." She grabbed him to join their hug, only to leave Suga out.

Suga cleared his throat, "You're also forgetting your husband, but I guess it's alright."

"Mian haeyo, baby." She chuckled, reaching out to hold Suga's hand.

"I'll call Seojun."

"Please do, appa."

"Choi Seungcheol.. Choi Mi Yeong.. Aigoo~" Soo Ah gushed happily, "You two will make beautiful children." She winked, leaving the two engaged couple to flush in redness.

"O- Omma! Don't say that!" Mi Yeong frowned.

"Mwo? Your name means beautiful flower. There's nothing wrong with that when you give birth and-"

"Honey, you're going to scare them." Suga called, his phone up to reveal Seojun and Chae Yeon.

"I heard that Seungcheol hyung is my brother-in-law!!" Seojun smirked.

"Congratulations, you two!" Chae Yeon chuckled.

"Thank you," S Coups smiled back.

Mi Yeong giggled, peaking onto the phone screen, "How is it in America?"

"Much warmer than Korea.. I made a mistake to bring long sleeves.." Seojun sighed. 

His sister rolled her eyes, whipping out her phone. "Seojun, I'm going to call you on my phone, okay? I can't steal appa's cellphone." 

"Alright," Seojun chuckled, "Bye everyone~" He and Chae Yeon waved. 

"Annyeong, baby!" Soo Ah smiled and Suga ended the call as Mi Yeong and Seungcheol went into Seojun's room. 

After the call, Jungkook sighed. "Everyone is growing old so fast already.."

"Especially our maknae~" Jin smiled. 

"Which reminds me, you're not stealing underwear's anymore, right Kookie?" Rap Monster teased him as everyone laughed. 

Soo Ah chuckled, looking around the room as everyone in Bangtan were starting to have their own family. Everything started when she was just a littler sister to a World Wide K-Pop group, then dating one of their members and soon getting married to that man. 

Soo Ah sighed, placing her head gently over Suga's chest as he wrapped his arm around her wasit. 

"Mr. Min Yoon Gi?"

He looked down at her, raising a brow and laughing at her. "Yes, Mrs. Min Soo Ah? Is there a problem?"

She shook her head, "No, but did you know you're a great man?"

Yoon Gi gave her a gummy smile and kissed her forehead, "Yeah.. A woman named Jung Soo Ah told me I am. And apparently Mrs. Min Soo Ah told me I'm also a great husband and father before." 

She giggled when someone broke their moment. 

"Are you two just going to be disgusting or come and join us? The movie is starting!" Cindy chuckled. 

"Is soju allowed?"

"No. Children are presented; including Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung." Rap Monster explained.

"HEY!" They frowned. 

"Shi- I mean- Oh shingles!"

"Aigoo, come on you grandpa." Soo Ah grabbed her husband's hand. 

Jimin smiled and started the movie as everyone got into their seats and were comfortable enough. 

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