Chapter 23: Illness

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~Mi Yeong's POV~

Seojun and I knocked on the door, then slowly opening it to peak our heads through.

"Hey..." I softly said.

"Hey kiddos, come in." Isabel motioned us inside.

I opened the door and we both walked in to see omma sleeping peacefully on her bed with our aunts crowding around her.

"Thank you for watching her.." Seojun smiled. "But we would like to watch over her now."

"Right, yes, of course." Aunt Britney nodded, rushing out with Ngoc and Isabel trailing behind her.

"She's been going through a rough time.." Aunt Cindy whispered. "The doctor said that she hasn't been taking care of her health very well lately, therefore it'll affect her life..."

"Thank you.." I lowered my head.

"Thank you." Seojun echoed after me, also with a bow.

Aunt Cindy nodded, patting Seojun's back then leaving. I turned back to our mother, taking a seat besides her bed.

"I can't believe omma had to go through all this.."

"I honestly can't blame dad." Seojun replied, his hands in his pockets.

"How so?" I rose my brow.

"Didn't you remember what Uncle Hobi told us? Everything appa had to deal with."

"But omma had to deal with that. It's her body."

"But, they were both together to help each other, am I right?" He smiled pointing at me.

"Aish.. How am I related to you?" I sighed, letting go of our mother's cold hand.

"That doesn't fit our topic, but I mean I guess."

"And how are you holding up? I noticed that you seem to be drifting away from us..."

"M- Mwo? Oh.. Well, I guess I'm alright.."

"Uh huh.." I sighed. "You're being like appa. You're keeping things locked away from us. Why don't you tell us what's wrong, and maybe we'll be able to help you-"

"I don't want to." Seojun's voice sounded broken. He exhaled deeply, "I want to try to fix things myself."

"Every one falls, and you will need each other to get back up.." A voice croaked.

I widen my eyes, quickly turning to look at our mother, who's eyes were slowly opening.

"Omma!" Seojun gasped.

"You're awake.." I smiled weakly, feeling the tears slipping from my eyes.

"Aigoo... Don't cry," Omma smiled at me, wiping my cheek as I reached out to hold her hand.

"How are you feeling?" Seojun asked, sitting next to me.

"Don't worry, I'm feeling better.."

~Suga's POV~

"You should go back there and apologize to her." Ho Seok shoved me against the wall. "You caused this mess with your dreams; which means nothing, so now go fix it."

I stared at him blankly, barely titling my head to look at Jin.

"Why don't you talk to him first?" I lifted my head, "What were you two talking about, hm?"

"What does that have to-" Taehyung stepped forward until Jungkook covered his mouth.

"We talked about my sexuality." Jin said boldly with his glare. "My sexuality isn't the same as everyone else's, so I came to the person I trusted the most."

"Jin..." Rap Monster widen his eyes.

"See! There was nothing for you to worry about." Jimin softly said.

I opened the front door, Jin stood up with surprise to see me.

"How's Soo Ah?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Why would you care?" J-Hope asked coldly.

"Yah.. Give him a chance, will you?" Britney gently nudged him.

"She's resting in her room." Jin spoke.

"Thank you.." I lowered my head, catching my eye with Ho Seok's deep glare as I rushed upstairs.

"Omma... Will you sure you'll be alright?"

"You don't have to worry too much, honey.."

I slowly brought my hand up, knocking on the door, then opening it myself. I saw a glimpse of Soo Ah, then looking back at my children.

"Can I please have a moment?" I softly asked.


"Seojun." Soo Ah cut him with a sigh. "It's an important discussion that you two won't understand."

I watched her dismiss our kids out. Mi Yeong drifted her hand from her mother to exit, and Seojun glared at me when he left.

We stayed silence from there. I approached her beside, sitting down to see her tired and pale complexion.

"How are you holding up?" I croaked.

"Tired... But I'll be fine."

"Why didn't you tell me." I focused on her appearance, and taking her hand. "I wouldn't never let you go through this if you told me.. I would've controlled my temper than let you suffer.."

"Yoon Gi..-"

"Wae?" I gave a sorrow look. "Your life is on the line! You just can't say you're fine when you're not. And you can't leave me just yet... You promised we'll grow old together..."

"And that promise I will halfly keep." She smiled softly at me, holding my hand tighter. "Life is all about living, and death. That's everyone's fate, Yoon Gi."

I couldn't help myself but cry uncontrollably. "But yours shouldn't be close.."

"I'll always love you no matter what.. And 'til death..."

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