Chapter 38: Double the Happiness

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~Soo Ah's POV~

"Excuse me, may I have everyone's attention?" I asked through my mic. I looked over at Cindy and Jungkook as they smiled happily at me. Then I rose my glass wine. "To the newly weds, the Jung couple, I would like to give a speech. I wish the two of you two great happiness, and strength. Every relationship is never going to be smooth throughout life, and I've learned that through the hard way..."

I looked down at my feet to exhaled deeply, knowing how shaky my voice was becoming. "Any obstacle that you two face, that trust, that bond between you two is there for a reason-"

I was cut by Yoon Gi, who grabbed the mic away from me. He pulled it close to his lips. "Over all, don't be like me and Soo Ah. Having trust is the main key to happiness than being sly. Now, please, enjoy the evening of Bangtan's golden maknae and his bride!" Yoon Gi yelled, pulling away to grab my wrist. 

"Hey! Let go of me! You're going to spill my wine!" I whined, trying to pull off his hand when he pulled me towards our table. 

"Thank you for that lovely speech, Soo Ah." Cindy brightly smiled. 

"A-Ah.. Yeah, no problem.." I softly chuckled, then shooting a look back at my husband. "So what is a good excuse that you irrupted me and-"

Isabel giggled, showing me something as Jimin sheepishly rubbed the back of his nape. I rose my brow, leaning close to the small white stick until realization hit me. 

"Omo! No! You can't be serious!?" I gasped, widening my eyes. 

But Isabel nodded quickly, her eyes watery already as Jimin wrapped an arm around her waist. "We're not.."

"Mhm!" Isabel squealed. "I'm pregnant!!"

"And engaged!" Jimin blushed with happiness and showing us their rings.

"Aigoo!~ I'm going to be an aunt!" I jumped with excitement. "This is great news! How long was all this?!"

"Pregnancy was two weeks ago, and our engagement was the week after." Isabel couldn't control her smile.

"Yeah, and they told us yesterday, except you." Taehyung chuckled.

I frowned, placing my hands over my waist. "Really? I must be that irrelevant to you guys, hm?" 

"Ani, it's not that!" Jimin laughed. "We wanted to surprise you! You know, a double surprise because your health and what you've been through.." 

I blinked, Yoon Gi wrapping his arms around me, and leaning to kiss my cheek. "And our Bangtan family is really growing now."

"Yeah..." I smiled, my eyes wet from their news. "I love this surprise.." 

~Jungkook's POV~

I rested my head on my hand, staring at Cindy as Isabel and Jimin revealed their surprise to Soo Ah. Cindy's hair was neatly braid into a bun with glitter scattered around. Her dress was a lace off the shoulders and flowy at the bottom.

Damn... I really did hit a jackpot.. 

As I thought to myself, someone called out my name. 

"Jungkook? Kookie!" Cindy giggled as I jumped, blinking at her.


"Is something wrong?" 

I shook my head. "Ani, I'm just admiring you.."

"By this time, you're still blushing over me." She laughed, caressing my cheek with her soft hands. 

"W-Well... You can make me blush any time baby! And speaking of baby..." I winked at her.

Cindy widen her eyes, starting to blushing more red than me. "Aish! Are you seriously thinking about that now?!"

"Team work!" I leaned close to her, kissing her cheek. "What do you think?"

"I'm not saying anything!" She frowned at me, turning away. 

I laughed, wrapping my arm over her should. "Remember when we first met? At the hospital?" She nodded. "Thank you... For stepping up to chat a bit with me. We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you." 

Cindy sighed, laying her head over my shoulder. "And thank you for trying to make our relationship to work..." 

I weakly chuckled, "Yeah.. I love you Cindy."

"I love you too, Kookie.." 

"Okay, you two love birds, that's too much." Mi Yeong called, smiling as her hand was intertwined with Seungcheol's.

"Omo, you kids made it!" Cindy pounced over, and hugging them.

"Of course we did.. Kinda, since we like, snuck in." Seojun shrugged, his arm linked with Chae Yeon's.

"Mwo?! Why did you kids sneak in?" J-Hope blinked.

"Securities thought we were lying about our identity. So when they got distracted, we all ran in." Chae Yeon explained.

"Holy crap.. I thought you guys were on the list!" Cindy softly said, looking at me.

"Right... Hehe.. Might've been my fault.."

"Jungkook! You fricking-!"

"Hey, hey!" I hid behind Cindy from Isabel's arm. "Hey~ But they should've recognized rhir looks though!"

Seungcheol shrugged. "I don't know. Some people could be our look-a-likes, but who knows."

"Aigoo, are we done? No more complaining and let's get partying!" Soo Ah shouted, holding up a bottle of wine.

"She, uhm.. I tried stopping her.." Suga sheepishly smiled.

"And now she's drunk..."

Mi Yeong and Seojun both looked at their mother in complete surprise.

"I wouldn't expect omma to get drunk.." Seojun spoke.

"Neither did I..." I stepped back as we all watched Suga struggling to catch his wife.

"Yah! Min Soo Ah, get your sexy ass back here! Put that bottle down! Wait! NO DON'T DO THAT! SOO AH!" Yoon Gi hyung started screaming as we all laughed at her.

Aye yo! So again, this season is terrible bc I haven't thought thoroughly about the story line, and "SEASON 2"

Which that makes me depressed :'))
Any who, I really hoped y'all enjoyed it, enough though it was a bit short (??)

Blue Blood!!
So I hope y'all really enjoy some mythical fanfics :') THANK YOU AND 💋

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