Chapter 29: Reveal

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~Suga's POV~

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, but to also notice that Soo Ah was missing. I quickly got up, but saw her shadow out on our baloney.

It's only 8 in the morning... Why is she up so early?

I thought to myself, then climbing out. The warm sun hitting my bare skin when I went to hug my wife from behind. My arms wrapped around her waist, and head over her shoulder.

"Are you not tired?" I ask.

"I've gotten enough sleep," she softly says. "I apologize for waking you up.."

"Ani, you didn't."

Soo Ah turned around, her back against the railing as I pressed my body against hers. She placed a hand over my chest as I smiled at her.

"I love you.."

"I love you more," I replied, leaning to kiss her soft lips.

When we pulled away, I turned away to wear a shirt.

"Have you decided to tell them?" I ask, slipping on a plain black shirt.

My wife stayed quiet until I faced her. She was looking down at her hands nervously.

I sat down besides her, taking her hand. "Hey, it's alright.. Don't overthink it because I know you can do it, and they'll understand.."

She took a deep breath, "I suppose."

"That a girl," I pecked her forehead. "C'mon, everyone's probably waking up by now."

We both exited out downstairs where everyone was already awake, including the kids.

"Hyung!" Taehyung called out for. "Are you going to tell the kids the news?" He loudly whispered.

"What news?" Seojun looked up.

"Just in a moment," Soo Ah replied, then shooting Taehyung a death glare.

"You're a fucking idiot." I rolled my eyes.

"Joesonghabnida hyung!" Taehyung ran away, hiding behind Ngoc.

"It's, well... A serious topic." Soo Ah began, slowly settling herself on the couch as everyone crowded around her. "It's about my health.."

"Mhm? Reports already having suspicions on that case," Seojun said out loud, his sister hitting him with a frown.

"Go on omma... Seojun and I will understand.." Mi Yeong replied, the unsteadiness in her tone.

I placed a hand over my wife's hand tightly to reassure her.

"I have a heart tumor..." She paused, Mi Yeong slightly widening her eyes and Seojin staring with disbelief. "And I'm deciding when to go through surgery.."

"I-..." Mi Yeong softly said, looking at her brother.

"I know it was tough, but it's okay.. You'll be okay...." I gently whispered into her ear.

~Seojun's POV~

I blinked, turning to look at my sister as she also looked at me with the same expression.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I asked to look at my mother.

"I was afraid.. I didn't want you kids to worry about my health when your emotions can affect your future..."

"But still!" I shot up from my seat, the tears forming in my eyes. "Omma, we care about your health. It's not like it's illegal to care for our parent-"

"Seojun." My sister yanked me by the arm to sit back down.

"There wasn't anything to be afraid of..." I sighed.

If you could've told us sooner... I would've listened... I could've been more cautious. Unlike what happened with Jaehyun...

I shut my eyes, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Aigoo..." Ho Seok sighed, grabbing my head to hug. I hugged him back as I suddenly started to sob over him. "It's okay kiddo.. Everything will be fine..."

"Soo Ah... Come on, let's get some fresh air." I heard voice around me, whispers filled the air, then something strange. The same persons voice.

"Didn't I already warned you, brother?"

Yes, yes you have. But you should've been more specific of what it could be!

I shut my eyes tighter, trying to get rid of the voices. When I led go of Uncle Ho Seok, I looked around as everyone was already scrambled around the house.

"I'm going to see noona Mi Yeong.." I sniffled, wiping my face.

"Okay, and take it easy. I know it's tough to go through, but you'll all make it through.."

I softly gave him a smile, "Gomabseubnida Uncle Ho Seok.."

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