Chapter 2: A "Fix" Bond

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~Taehyung's POV~


"Just open it!" Britney quickly pushed us, and opening the door widen open. "Do you miss us?!"

"BRITNEY!" We heard J-Hope screaming.

"HOPIE!" The two reunited into a hug. J-Hope spun his girlfriend in circles, then kissing her cheek.

"Aigoo, these two sunshine are too much!~" Jimin smirked.

"Yah! Park Jimin!"

"Omo! Sorry Isabel!" Jimin blinked, running back to the car.

"Tsk tsk.." I laughed and looking back as we all entered Suga hyungs house. "How are the kids?"

"Troublesome. They just got into a fight." Suga said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"And Soo Ah?"

"Frustrated and annoyed."

I sighed and shook my head, "Is it really that bad?"

Suga shrugged, but the look meant yes.

"Excuse me Yoon Gi and Tae Tae~" Ngoc said then slipping in between us as we both moved aside.

As Yoon Gi went back inside behind her, I picked up a bag she dropped and followed them.

"Soo Ah?"

"In the kitchen! Just put them down on the table."

I did as she instructed me, then approaching her.

"So.. What happened?"

"Mi Yeong claimed that there's something wrong going on with Seojun, but he fought back."

I chuckled, "It's okay. They'll make up or something."

Soo Ah rolled her eyes and turned towards Ngoc, "Hopefully.. I've been getting cranky with lack of sleep.. I've been staying up with Suga, preparing Mi Yeong and Seojun's career, everything's a mess again."

"I mean, its not like Agust D is coming again, or Ji Yeon's family member or-"

Ngoc slapped me, frowning. "Aish, you and your big mouth."

"Sorry babe.."

"It's fine Ngoc," Soo Ah chuckled.

"But you and Yoon Gi will be fine," Ngoc softly said as I nodded with agreement.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to your women talk..." I stepped back and went towards the living room to hear Suga hyung yelling.

"Seojun! Mi Yeong! Get out of your rooms! Your uncles and aunts are here!"

One door opened, and Mi Yeong came sliding down the stairs railing. Then jumping off to land into Rap Monster's arms.

"Annyeong Uncle Nam Joon!"

"Hey Mi Yeong, you still seem to be cheerful." He chuckled and placing Mi Yeong back to her feet.

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