Chapter 25: Graduation

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~Soo Ah's POV~

"Soo Ah? How are you doing?" My husbands soft voice came from the entrance.

I smiled, looking up from my book. "Tiring, but it'd be nice to have company.."

Yoon Gi nodded, entering the hospital room. He sat down on the chair besides my bed.

"Sorry we could've visit you so often.."

"It's nothing." I softly smiled, taking his hands. "Thank you and everyone for taking care of the kids.. And keeping this a secret from them.."

"Of course..."

My smile slowly faded as I watched Suga's complexion change drastically to pain. I lifted my hand, wiping off the tears that streamed down his cheeks.

"Did you see the results?"

He sniffled, trying to take a hold of his emotions. But I knew that he wasn't able to hold it back any longer.

"Mian hae honey..."

"Ani, it's not your fault.. It was mine to begin with."

I gazed at him with sorrow, tightly holding his hand.

"Yoon Gi.."

Finally Suga broke into more tears. My husband came closer to me, hugging me to close the gap between us as he sobbed.

I smiled softly, patting his back for comfort. "It's okay.. Everything will be alright.."

Teaes then started slipping down my cheeks as I started going into depth of my thoughts.

"Nothing will be fine.." Yoon Gi croaked.

I stood by the stairway, my arm over the railing as I gazed at everyone who have knocked out. A small smile appeared on my face as time kept passing by.

"Why are you up at this hour?" A voice sounded in front of me.

I turned, looking at my husband. He was in his pajamas while we stared into each others eyes.

"It's only 4 in the morning. You should go back to bed and rest."

I smiled at him. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to check if everyone else was alright."

Yoon Gi stared at me as I turned away to continue to gaze at the boys, the girls, but especially our children.

"You shouldn't be overthinking your health. The more you do, the days you have with us will be filled with regret.."

I sighed as Suga stepped forward. He tucking my hair behind my ear as I blinked.

"Do you have any to-do lists?"

I thought for a moment, then nodding with a bright smile. "Tons. But, let's not make it too obvious."

Yoon Gi nodded with a smile as he grabbed my hand, then dragging me up to our room.

~The Next Day || Mi Yeong's POV~

Family relationship was strange. My parents seemed different, and so did our uncles and aunts. But despite that, our graduation was today.

"Mi Yeong! Are you finished?!" Omma voice called from downstair.

"A-Ah! I'm coming!" I replied, finishing my makeup. I quickly got up from my chair, taking one last glance at the mirror, then running downstairs. "I'm here!" I smiled.

"Okay! Let's take a picture before you graduate!" Rap Monster smiled, setting up the camera.

"You're stunning." Seungcheol smiled at me.

I smiled brightly back at him, "Thank you oppa."

"Aish! Are you done?" Appa frowned as Omma chuckled.

"I think so-" Uncle Rap Monster stepped away, tipping the camera over. Luckily uncle Jin was beside him, catching it before it hit the ground.

"Oml! Yah! You know how expensive that camera is?! It's high quality!" Appa started nagging.

"Aigoo, can you stop it, you grandpa." Omma teased him.

"Aigoo hyung.. Back with it again, and breaking things again." Taehyung shook his head.

"Alright, I got it." Uncle Nam Joon rubbed  back of his head. "Thanks for catching it Jin." He looked back at Jin with affection and hurriedly rush behind us.

"Okay, ready?" Jin smiled.

We all nodded. He set up the time, then ran over to stand besides Nam Joon as the camera's timer started ticking, then snapping a picture.

"Alright! Let's go!" Seojun shouted, and running out the door.

"Did someone also fed my child candy?" Omma asked.

Suddenly everyone stared at Uncle Jungkook, leaving Seungcheol and I confused.

"I-.. Um.. Heheh... I have an explanation.." He sheepishly smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Aigoo! The same mistake for the past! When are you going to learn?" Yoon Gi frowned.

I chuckled, "Seungcheol and I are going to head first. He'll save seats for all of you." I lowered my head as my mother nodded.

Our graduation was unforgettable. Lights shown above us through the night air, with friends and families. I walked up the stage to receive my diploma. My principle looked at me, handing it to me with a bright smile across her face.

"I wish you the best of luck and success for you future, Min Mi Yeong."

I lowered my head deeply, "Thank you very much, Principal Kim.."

She nodded as I grabbed into the diploma and walking off stage.

After the ceremony ended, all students were released to their parents. I ran towards my parents as their arms were wide open.

"Aigoo~ We're so proud of you!" Omma cried.

"Yes we are.. And yet there's still a long way ahead of success." Appa smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Congrats Mi Yeong!" A group of guys yelled from behind, making me startled.

I turned around to see the Seventeen boys with Seojun and Seungcheol, smiling at them.

"Oh, and Lee Chan hyung too." Seojun chuckled.

"Right.." I laughed.

"Which reminds me, why won't you boys come and join us for your graduation celebration?" Omma smiled, leaning over.

I looked at my mother, then back at the boys at Seojun rose his brows for their answer.

"We'll gratefully accept, Mrs. Min." Lee Chan lowered his head.

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