Chapter 16: Reunited Couple

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~Soo Ah's POV~

I opened my windows, placing my arm over the apron as the soft breeze flew into my room, carefully swaying my hair.

"Yoon Gi's mine.. And you better not get in my way..."

"You killed my daughter! All she wanted was him! But look at you, if you're married to Yoon Gi, why keep it a secret?! You're not capable of being his wife.."

I looked up at the swaying tree branches.

"I don't even know what I'm suppose to feel towards you Ji Yeon.." I frowned. "Is it pity? Anger? Frustration?!" I shouted into the air.

I deeply sighed, pinching the bridges of my nose as the words of her son repeated in my head.

"You caused my mother's death! If Suga divorced you, everything would've been just fine!"

Then with a scoff, "It runs in the bloodline doesn't it? I just wanted you to learn and know the truth from your past..."

"And he'll learn," Yoon Gi's voice sounded behind me.

I quickly turned around, "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to nap, but you sounded like you needed a hero." Suga smiled, walking to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "But he'll eventually know what's right and wrong."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Shit's about to happen." I chuckled at him. "If he doesn't listen, it's him fault. We've been through what he hasn't, and we're telling him everything and not to be like his mother. If he does, well, I don't know anymore."

I chuckled with a nod. "You really threw fire there."

Yoon Gi smirked, tapping his temples. "Hey, it's logic that needs to be thrown at him."

"Aigoo, you and your savage mouth."

"I know you love it..." Yoon Gi still had that smirk of his as he leaned closer to me. "And I know another thing that you love the most..."

"Your try hard dirty ways?" I rose my brow with a sarcastic smile. 

"Yah, I'm not a try hard... But it's my sweg!"

"Oh my.." I burst into laugher as he pulled me to the bed to pin me down.

"My sweg will always be the thing you'll love from me." 

"Aish," I rolled my eyes, pushing him off me.

Yoon Gi smiled, laying on his back with his hands under his head. "I still got it..."

"Got what?" I ask, getting up.

"The sun to peak through the clouds."

"Really? It just sounded like you wanted to go back when we were younger," I giggled.

"I miss the moments when we were happily together..." Suga gave a sorrow look. "But, as long as I'm with you, everything is amazing."

I gave him a warm smile, wrapping my arms around him and pecking his cheek.

"Aigoo~ You're so soft!"

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