Chapter 34: Solution

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Hey guys, so I'm planning on making another BTS fanfic on Jungkook (SHORT STORY) and I just want to know what opinions you guys have..
Thanks :,)

~Suga's POV~

Two days past, and Soo Ah still wasn't awake. Everyone was still patiently waiting, except for Seungcheol who has left for tour. On this day, I decided to take the chance to resume the problem my son caused.

"Min Seojun, go outside with me for a discussion." I said, standing up from my seat. "And please watch over Soo Ah, and quickly tell me when she wakes up.." I looked at the boys as they all nodded.

My son glanced at me and followed out behind me and closing the door. He leaned against the wall and I stood in front of him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"You should know what we're going to talk about."

"Yeah, I do." He replies bluntly.

"Do you have any more thoughts you want to tell me? That maybe I'm a shitty father and husband? That I never gave a fuck about my family?"

He looked away from me as I scoffed.

"Assume all that you want. But I'm not that type of person to leave my family and problems. Why do you think all that shit I caused in the past, and I'm still with your mother? I knew my careless decisions would lead us to a terrible future, but your mother never gave up on me."

"That's what true love is." Seojun says. "Remember Chae Yeon? I love her. I, too caused her hardship, which led her to end her life. She was this close from giving up, and so was I-"

"Because you're still young!" 

"Ani! It was because I was afraid. She was afraid of what I could do. That led me to shut down..."

"And you didn't think I was afriad. You haven't mature enough, Seojun. Maybe there's something with your hormones," I laughed at him.

"Wae are you laughing? How come I didn't find that hilarious?" He rose a brow, frustration was all over his face.

"Because you're my son. We both choose terrible actions, but at different ages. Now are we done with childish argument?" I asked.

"I guess..."

"That a boy. My son, you'll be a man. As your mother said, 'Don't be a pussy and grow up'."

"Oh god.. When was this? Early years?"

"Good guess."

Seojun sighed, "Sonetimes, I wonder what's your relationship all about.." He blinked as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

Seojun blinked, as he opened the door.

~J-Hope's POV~

"Are you excited?" My sister asked through our video Skype call.

"Of course! I'm pretty sure you'll get along with all the boys! Expect Yoon Gi; he doesn't want to be in another relationship."

Soo Ah giggled, "What do you mean? I'm not planning on being in any type of relationship, oppa."

"Who knows. You're always having flings-"

"Not always!" She pouted, "Besides, it'll become awkward if I ever date one of them, then later you dealing with them if we ever break up."

"Uh huh... But just a number one rule when we meet them, Yoon Gi's not interested. He cold, but he's also a nice guy. His last girlfriend cheated on him, and he went crazy..."

"Ah... I see..."

"But you'll be fine," I smiled. "You'll love them. They're like another family."

"Mhm, okay oppa." She smiled. "I need to go now, annyeong~"

"Annyeong baby Soo Ah!~"

The things I said in order to protect my little sister... But who knew that a connection between two polar opposites attracted.

I held onto Soo Ah's hand and watched as her complexion was slowly regaining its color.

We waited, and waited. Yoon Gi's talk with my nephew took more than 20 minutes; which must've seem important. Finally, I felt myself drifting to darkness.

You'll wake up... I know you will... Just, jebal, come back to your senses..

And there it was, I felt a slight twitch. My eyes shot open, as Soo Ah's finger twitched again.


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