Chapter 27: Celebration

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~Taehyung's POV~


'Omg really?' - Grandpa

'YEAH!!' -Sunshine

'YUSH!' - Jamless with abs

'So, can we have a party to celebrate?' - TaeTae

'I'm down! We'll all be over at your place in 10, yoongi ;)' - Princess Jin

'Omfl stop.' - Grandpa

I threw my phone across the couch, then plotting down as the new couple flirted with each other.

At least they're happy now.

"I got the keys, and the girls are already on their way to the supermarket." J-Hope hyung said.

"Alright! Then let's go party!" Jimin jumped on top of me.

"Oof! What the? You pabo!"

"Yah! That's rude!" Jin shouted from the kitchen.

"Aigoo, everyone just go into the car." Rap Monster said, approaching the door. "Jin already sent a list to the girls what we may need over at Suga's house, so we'll all just meet up there."

"Sounds good!" I quickly stood up, grabbing my phone then racing Jimin and Jungkook out the door.

As we arrived at hyung's house, we barged in.

"Guess who's-!"

"Shut up you pabo!" Yoon Gi shouted as Hobi blinked.

"What a mood.." Ho Seok sighed, as I patted his back.

"It's okay hyung."

"Soo Ah's sleeping." Jin said.

"She's so.. Peaceful..." Jungkook mumbled.

I nodded with agreement.

Was she this ill to sleep so often? Was her children not aware of this?

But I shook my head from my thoughts when the door knocked. The girls smiled at us, carrying groceries as they entered.

"Here, let me help you." I took my girlfriend's bag.

"O- Oh okay, I guess." Ngoc blinked.

~Jungkook's POV~

I approached besides Yoon Gi hyung, sitting on the floor as Soo Ah slept over his shoulder.

"She's sleeping very often, and I'm pretty sure that the kids will soon be aware of this.. Her symptoms are starting to show.." I softly say. "Why don't you tell them?"

"Soo Ah refuses to. She doesn't want them to worry since Mi Yeong just graduated, and Seojun's going to be a trainee."


"Just, stop Kookie.." Yoon Gi sighed. "I'm even trying to convince her myself to tell them. Hopefully it won't be late."

I slowly nodded, looking at Soo Ah, then back at Cindy. Cindy smiled at me, and I excused myself from hyung.

"We also need to plan our wedding."

"I know, but Soo Ah.."

"Exactly. Better start now than be too late. Everyone else is probably going into action since Jin made a move on Nam Joon hyung-"

"Omo! He did?!" Cindy cut me as I chuckled and nodded.

"When you and the others were at the market."

"Darn it! Why didn't you tell me," She pouted as I laughed, wrapping an arm around her.

"Sorry baby, but it was unexpected."

~Jin's POV~

"Jin," Suga called my name as he entered the kitchen. "Good job today."

I blinked, looking at Rap Monster then back at him. "I- Erm, thank you~ I couldn't have done it with Soo Ah or all of your guys' help." I awkwardly smiled.

Suga lowered his head, "Yeah, sure, no problem."

Nam Joon led out a fake cough, "Ehem! Suga's fault, ehem! Sorry, might be a cold.."

I laughed, playfully hitting his arm. "Aigoo~ even though it was a huge mess, I managed to endure it."

"And later, we'll all have to face the paparazzi since we've been so cautious and quiet with everything." Hobi peaked through. "Plus new famous members, Min Mi Yeong, and Min Seojun!"

He jazzed his hands as the two siblings came out with surprise.

"Oh yeah!" I shot up, "Congrats on your soon debut and becoming a trainee!"

Mi Yeong and Seojun brightly smiled, "Gomabseubnida!~"

I nodded, looking at Nam Joon as he linked my arm with his.

"And I see that you two are happily together," Mi Yeong giggled.

I nodded, Nam Joon widening his eyes.

"She knows?!"

"I do too," Seojun commented with a smirked. "Appa and Omma told us, and made us stay quiet about it."


"Awe, Joonie's getting mad~" I smiled.

Nam Joon sighed, looking away as I turned back towards the kids.

"Anyway, we're all wishing you two the best of luck! If you guys need help or anything, we'll be glad to help!" I rose a fist.

Seojun lowered his head, "Gomabseubnida Uncle Seok Jin."

"Mi Yeong, if you ever need help with acting, um... Ask your mother or something." Yoon Gi rubbed the back of his head.

"Mwo? Omma?" She blinked.

"You didn't know?" I asked. "She was amazing! But she quit as a trainee when she met your father," Isabel said.

"B-But why? Didn't she love acting?"

Yoon Gi nodded, "She really loved it. But she decided to quit since it would be hectic to her personal life." He wrapped his arms over his children's shoulders, bring them close to him. "And she doesn't seem to regret a thing."

"I see.." Mi Yeong mumbled.

"Okay! Let's get this party started!~" Nam Joon shouted, swaying his hips side to side.

"Sometimes I question how you two-"

I opened my mouth until he covered it.

"Please. I don't even want to know... " Yoon Gi sighed.

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