Chapter 17: Album Rumor

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~Taehyung's POV~

Everyone was on their phones or busy cleaning up, while I on the other hand laid upside down on the couch.

I wonder what's going to be for dinner...

"Wow, you guys are very quiet without the Min family members," Soo Ah joked, walking down the stairs.

"Baby Soo!" Hobi hyung smiled.

"Woah, are you calling her that? What about me?" Britney pouted.

"Aigoo babe.." J-Hope laughed, "There is always enough love for everyone!~"

I narrowed my eyes then getting up to lean over at my girlfriend, "Mhmm, hey sexy~ Are you taken?"

"Omo! Taehyung, what the heck.." Ngoc's cheeks became a bright red as she covered herself.

"Yah!" Isabel threw a pillow at me, "Keep it PG!"

I laughed, wrapping an arm over my girlfriend's shoulder. "Saranghae~" I gave her a heart.

"Aigoo... It's really weird to see Taehyung do that," Nam Joon chuckled.

Jin nodded, "I thought so too! Jimin, weren't you suppose to do something like that to Isabel?"

Isabel blinked as Jimin flushed with redness.

"Haha! Hyung's blushing!" I pointed out.

"Yah, be quiet!" His voice soften.

"Alright, alright, that's enough." Soo Ah chuckled, moving the tray of snacks, "So do you guys have new ideas for your next album?"

" 'Her'." Rap Monster smiled. "That's what we all came up. And we're almost done with the album."

"And have you finished that?" Soo Ah rose a brow.

"Almost... Just a bit more editing for DNA, and it's ready to be published!~" J-Hope hyung smiled with his jazz hands.

"Oh! Which reminds us, have you guys seen the new comments on the WINGS album?" Jungkook looked up from his phone.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head.

~Jungkook's POV~

"You know how our album is telling the story?"

"Get to your point, Kookie." Nam Joon said.

I cleared my throat, looking back down at my phone. "Well it appears that they might've cracked the code..."

"Mwo?" Soo Ah blinked, rushing besides me.

"Omo, I also found the article about it!" Isabel gasped from her phone.

" 'Fans have determined that one of Bangtan's member has been delivering a message in their album WINGS..' " Jimin read aloud.

Everyone all looked up at Soo Ah, but I continued reading it.

"Wait guys.." I said. " 'For the past few years, Suga (Min Yoon Gi) and wife, Jung Soo Ah has been going through many adversities. Now in Bangtan's teaser video and song, has Suga been trying to explain his life experience?' "

J-Hope sighed, "There are so nosey.."

"The teaser begins at a piano shop when Suga sits down and plays the piano while appearing to be overwhelmed. Later he is seen running down the streets, dogding a car that came at him. But seconds the screen appear black, we hear a car crashing into something; thus having blood splattered on the rode and causing him to turn back to see the piano shop on fire.

*WINGS Short Film #4 FIRST LOVE link*

Another thought is within his song 'First Love'. Suga's rapping is known to be very powerful, and emotional. Many fans assume that his lyrics might not mean anything, but that may be false. Due to certain lyrics, he seems to be expressing his emotions about his wife, Jung Soo Ah, and maybe with the mix of the deceased Kim Ji Yeon.

*First Love by Suga AUDIO link*

As ARMY conclude Suga's video with researches of his past rumors; this is definitely about his past relationships and the loss of his son.

Now, is Bangtan preparing themselves to put their shoes into their next album?"

We all looked back at Soo Ah as she was in shock.

"Soo Ah..?"

She shook her head, sighing. "We shouldn't be bothered right now.. How current was this published?"

"Last night." Isabel replied.

"Then.. If they ask, I suppose we just reply simply to their questions. They won't stop bothering until they know every single detail.." She softly said, turning away.

"I feel bad..." I whispered. "Every time the paparazzi's publish this, it just has to be something tragic."

Everyone else nodded.

"For now, we just need to support them. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot more near the future...." Jin sighed, gazing over at Rap Monster hyung.

There was something wrong with hyung's tone, and by his gaze, it was a whole lot different than he usually expresses.

"But for now, we just need to focus on the current rumor." Isabel said.

"She's right," Cindy added. "If we keep thinking about all the other possible rumors about us, there's going to be a whole lot of stress going on."

"Mhm!" Ngoc smiled, "Let's just ignore all this for a bit until the paparazzi's bothers one of us and we'll spill bits of it."

"Fighting everyone~" Taehyung stiffly nodded with his fist.

She chuckled, "Fighting.."

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