Chapter 9: Signs

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Before, can you guys show some love and vote and comment pls? It'll be very helpful and enjoyable to read comments :")

BUT ANYWAY HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! Or well, when I publish it's still NYE 😅

But thank you, everyone, for so much. The support, the love, I'm thankful for y'all :) 2017 wasn't a good year, but I'm hoping 2018 will be much better

~Suga's POV~

"Honey I'm home~" I unlocked the door then walking inside.

"Yoon Gi?" My wife sounded from the kitchen. "Why are you home so  early?"

"Because I didn't want to starve?" I chuckled, then wrapping my arms around her waist. "And I've been missing you.."

"I've missed you too, even if it's been eight hours." Soo Ah laughed, pecking my lips.

"Mhm~" I smiled at her, pulling her into another kiss. "Where's Mi Yeong and Seungcheol?" I lowered my voice.

"In her room," my wife whispered. "I don't trust that boy anymore."

"C'mon, she has part of our personality-"

"Our personality don't match very well," she chuckled.

"Then how are we married?!" I widen my eyes. Soo Ah laughed, pulling me close to her.

"Because you manage to find the difference between me and my brother."

"But you're both still similar. I just found interest in you," I smiled. "But she can handle it. It's alright."

Soo Ah nodded as I grabbed her hand.

"Appa!" Mi Yeong smiled, walking down the stairs with Seungcheol following behind her.

I watched them approach her, my daughter wrapping her arms around me.

"Aigoo~ One day my back is going to break... "

"Grandpa Yoon Gi, indeed." My wife chuckled.

"So how was your project?"

"It went really well," Mi Yeong replied.

"Annyeonghaseyo Mr. Min." Seungcheol lowered his head as I nodded at him.

"I heard that you needed something from me."

"Ah, yes!" He blinked, "I was wondering if you could help me with my group's new song."

"Sure, my studio's over to the left." I pointed out and he lowered his head before leaving.

"Appa," Mi Yeong grabbed my hand. "Please don't kill him.."

Soo Ah and I chuckled, "I would say the same."

"For you two, I'll try not." I pecked my daughter forehead then turning back to meet with Seungcheol.

~Seojun's POV~

"Why did you let me die like that..? I thought you would be by my side, Seojun..."

"Mianhae oppa..."

"Chae Yeon? Chae Yeon?!"

"Move out of my way, you piece of shit!"

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