Chapter 13: Rae Hyun

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~Mi Yeong's POV~

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I rushed to my brother, looking at his cheek.

"You're so weak," Seojun ignored me.

I looked over at Seungcheol as he pulled himself up and crawled towards us.

"How about you? Are you alright?"

Seungcheol smiled weakly with a nod, "I'm fine. I'll go get the kit for you."

As he left, I gave a hurt look knowing that he must've hurt himself when Rae Hyun pushed him. But I looked back at my mother gripping onto his ear.

"Omma, please let go."

She narrowed her eyes at him, finally letting go. Rae Hyun sighed, touching his wounded ear as Seungcheol came back with the first aid kit.

"Here's the bag of ice." He tried handing it to me, but I grabbed the alcohol pad first.

My brother wince as I wiped his lip, then Seungcheol gave him the ice pack.

"Mi Yeong," my mother said. "When did Uncle Ho Seok and the others leave?"

"About an hour ago.."

"Mhm.. So what's your story about all this?" Omma frowned, her hands over her hips.

"It's a long story-"

"Then explain yourself. I got all day to listen because I'm not letting this slip away that easily. Sit down."

Mom pushed Rae Hyun onto the couch while Seungcheol helped me get Seojun up. I brought his arm over my shoulder, and we all walked towards the couch.

Rae Hyun cleared his throat, looking over at us. Then finally speaking.

"It happened a few years ago.."

~Rae Hyun's Flashback~

"Chae Yeon, what do you think about this?" I smiled, handing her a small bracelet.

"It's fine," she softly smiled. "You don't really have to buy it for me.."

"Nonsense. I wanted to give you something for your birth-.."

"I said it's fine.. Really Rae Hyun." She smiled, pulling my hand as she closed it.

"I-.. But-.." I blinked at she as she turned to leave. I pulled the white bracelet back into my pocket and followed her.

Chae Yeon's gaze was soft and fragile. Within seconds it appeared differently.. Warmth and something else that I couldn't make out, but instantly knew that it was different from the way I felt towards her.

When I looked ahead, she was staring at Seojun. My smile faded off as I spotted him with the members from Seventeen.

I frowned, clearing my throat, "I think my mom's calling. See you tomorrow, Chae Yeon."

"O-Oh okay," she blinked and quickly turning away from me.

Within the month, I tried coming up with excuses to have Chae Yeon beside me. I wanted her to gain interest in me. But most of my offers were declined so she could be with him..

I couldn't endure holding back so I decided to face Seojun after school. He was the last one to leave the music room, and I quickly marched towards him.

I pinned him against the wall, pulling my hand to block him from escaping as I leaned close.

"What do you want from me?" He frowned, looking the opposite direction.

"I want you to stay away from Chae Yeon."

Seojun frowned with his wide eyes, "Mwo?! Why the hell would you want-.."

I scoffed, then grabbing him but the collar of his shirt. "Because you're not the only guy thay likes her." I pushed him, then stepping on his chest. "And you better listen to me, you son of a bitch.." My foot became heavy over his chest as he tried removing it. "Stay away from her... Because I want to be with her."

Before I could walk as away, Seojun pulled my leg and scurried back.

I fell backwards onto my back, blinking with shock then quickly flushed with anger, staring at him. "You mother fucker!" I pounced on him, pinning him down with my legs, then pulling a punch across his face. "You better do as I tell you, you hear me?!"

I pulled a few more punches, the guilt finally kicking in me. When I was about to pull my last punch, I narrowed my eyes.

Seojun was bloody.... Blood streamed down from his nose, lip and wound, a bruise started to appear on his cheek bones and left eye.

I quickly got up, staring at my unsteady hands and back at him. Still on the floor, appearing limp.

"D-.. Don't you dare say a word about this.. Next time will be worse.. I swear to god, it will..." Swiftly, I turned away and rushed out of the school with my bag.

'Mian hae Jaehyun...'

~Seojun's POV~

I stared at Rae Hyun as he explained what happened. Every detail he gave was on point from what happened. But that never stopped him from beating me up.

"I see..." Omma bluntly replied, looking down at her tea. "And let me rephrase this, you beat up my son?"

"Yes ma'am." His deep voice wasn't shakey, instead it was powerful.

"Who's your mother?"

"My mother..?"

She nodded, pulling out her phone.

"She-... She passed away.."

"Omo..." Mi Yeong softly gasped, Seungcheol holding onto her shoulder.

Are you really going to pity him?

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Soo Ah," Appa frowned, "let's not."

"Ani," she shook off his hand. "I need to at least let one of his relative know what he has been doing. Then what about your father?"

"My father left me.. But I live with my grandma, and uncle."

"Your uncle's name?"

"My uncle is Seok."

Mi Yeong and I looked over at our parents, a frozen look across both their faces. 

"Wait... Could it be?" Appa blinked, looking at omma.

"Then.. What about your aunt? What's her name?"

"Umm, Nari. Kim Nari."

"This can't be.."

"That bitch! No wonder they seem alike..." Omma growled, turning away from us.

"Omma," I softly said. "What's the matter?"

Rae Hyun rose a brow of confusion.

"Long story," Appa replied.

"Very long.. Before all of you were born." Omma sighed with a bit of anger in her tone.

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