Chapter 8: Break Up

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~Mi Yeong's POV~

"So, after you subtract this, you take the remainder and plug it into the variable." Seungcheol pointed out.

"Oh~ okay, got it. Gomas."

"Is that the last one?"

"Yeup." I finished writing then closing my book.

"Then, what are all these books for? A project?"

"Ding ding ding!" I smiled, turning to grab my scripts. "I also need to practice on my lines.." S Coups rose his brow. "Acting," I chuckled. "I got accepted into YG Entertainment for my career."

"Omo! Congratulations!"

"Gomas..." I flushed with redness, then clearing my throat. "But yeah, they gave me a decision to stay in high school until I graduate then join them."

"Don't you have to practice before joining dramas?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm taking classes over the weekend."

"Ah... Seems a lot to handle. Mhm.. Don't worry, I'll be your number one fan."

I blinked at him in surprise. His eyes sparkled as he smiled brightly, leaning close to me.

Are you really going to support me..? How could I really believe you?

"Heh.. Thanks again.."

Seungcheol moved back to lean against the wall while I mentally gathered myself together.

"You know... It might sound weird and all of a sudden for you, but...." He paused as I looked up him. His eyes looked like they were filled with sorrow, but I couldn't make it clear.

"What is it?"

"Never mind... I don't think it's necessary.."

"Well," I tucked my hair behind my ear. "You wanted us to bond, didn't you? Since we decided not to go out, here we are."

He chuckled, "Yeah.. But it's a bit complicated for me to say.. I just wanted to know how you've been doing..."

He was slightly lying.. His tone expressed the truth, but his actions didn't when he couldn't hold eye contact with me, and that he kept fiddling with his hand.


He sighed, "How do you really feel..?"

"What do you mean?"

"Every since you broke up with me, I could never get you out of me head... I even dated two other girls, but it didn't feel right..."

I blinked at him in surprise by his confession, but then anger filled me back with our memories.


"Mi Yeong! Appa's home!" My mother hollered from downstairs.

"My dad's home.. You should go greet him, and ask him about your song.." I softly said, looking up him.

"Alright... Let's continue this later." Seungcheol got up towards then door, his hand on the knob. "And can you uhm... Think about it?"

I slightly nodded, as he gave me a weak smile before leaving. I exhaled deeply before falling onto my bed.

Why is this so complicated...


"Hopefully he'll like this.." Mi Yeong smiled, looking down at the wrapped gift as she made her way through the hall.

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