Chapter 20: Reality VS Dreams

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~Taehyung's POV~

I sat on the floor, leaning on my girlfriend's legs as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I can't believe you two got engaged, and never said a word about that." She frowned.

"Yeah!" I rose a fist. "Revolt!"

"Taehyung, you pabo," Ngoc sighed as Isabel laughed.

I smiled with a shrug. I turned around to look at my hyungs, but also noticing Soo Ah and Jin were heading upstairs. The two were oddly close with each other than any of us. And knowing that, I slowly grew suspicious about it.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked, sitting besides me.

"Hm? Oh, thinking."

"You don't usually think about things," Isabel commented, wrapping her arms around Jimin. "Unless it's something serious."

"Who knows."

"Hmm," She smiled.

"We should wake up Yoon Gi." Britney said.

"Are you really asking for a death wish?" Ho Seok frowned. "Because I'm not letting that happen."

"Aigoo, you two," Nam Joon chuckled. "Just let the grandpa sleep."

"But what are we suppose to- HOBI!" Britney shouted as he was already bothering the sleeping elder.

"Aigoo~ Its morning Minnie!~" He said in an adorable tone, touching hyungs chin.

"May you rest in peas- I mean peace, hyung." I wrapped my arms around Ngoc's legs. 

When Hobi finished poking Yoon Gi, and sweet talking him to wake up, his eyes slowly opened, staring at Hobi for what seemed to be eternity. Then finally his spoke.

"Fuck you."  

Hobi and everyone else bursted in laughter while he got up to ruffle the back of his head.

"Aigoo, you bastard... Where's my wife?"

"Oh, she's upstairs with Jin." I pointed up, suddenly hearing Jungkook hissing at me. "What?"

"Aish..." His nose wrinkled.

~Jungkook's POV~

"If Yoon Gi wakes up, tell him I went to your place to help Jin, okay?"

"Alright.. But why? You're not even going to the shop."

"I know... But even if the other boys question, tell them you saw us leave."

I slowly nodded, "But Soo Ah.. What's the truth that you want me to lie?"

Soo Ah hesitated, finally separating her lips to speak. "Suga was sleep talking, something that had to deal with me. If he wakes up and remembers that dream, things will probably get messy.."

"A dream?"

"Yes, now I need to go talk with Jin. Remember what I told you, okay?"

I nodded again as she pushed me into the living room, and rushing upstairs after Jin.

I blinked, realizing that Taehyung revealed where Soo Ah and Jin went. I gave him a glare, then shaking my head.

"Ani, she told me that she was helping Jin get something back at our place to get a package."

"Mwo? I clearly saw her upstairs with Jin." Taehyung blinked.

"That's enough." Hyung growled, jumping off the couch.

"Woah, calm your shit.. And how are you getting off the couch that quick?" Cindy tilted her head. 

"That's none of your business," he replied. 

"Hyung, seriously, they're not home." I anxiously stepped in front of him.

He glared at me, harshly grabbing my wrist. "Shut up Jungkook. I've known all of you for many years, and I can tell that you're lying. Now move out of my way." Yoon Gi pushed me away, which I would've counted as throwing when I landed on the couch. 

"Yah!" Ho Seok ran after him, blocking the stairway. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing," he grumbled and tried walking around hyung, to what seemed impossible. 

"Min Yoon Gi, why don't you apologize to Jungkook." Nam Joon calmly said. 

I widen my eyes and shook my head, "A-Ani hyung, its fine!"

Yoon Gi gave a blunt look for a long moment, then finally speaking. "Is he injured? No. So, there's nothing for me to do nor apologize for." 

"Yoon Gi!" Cindy frowned with disbelief. 

"You've changed so suddenly.." Isabel murmured with annoyance. 

"Yeah.. What a douchebag.." Britney admitted in a soft tone. 

"See! Even the girls admitted how you're acting now. What's wrong with you?" Nam Joon rose a brow. 

"Nothing," Yoon Gi hyung growled, then pushing Ho Seok off the stairs. 

Ho Seok stumbled over hyung's feet, and loosing his balance. Everyone was completely shocked, frozen even to move with disbelief of Yoon Gi's cold action. 

Finally Britney noona was the first to move, screaming. "Oppa! Are you alright?"

J-Hope hyung winced a little, lifting his head to reveal a bloody nose. "It's fine.. Really, it is."

"What do you mean?!" She shouted. "Yoon Gi, you piece of shit!" Britney screamed louder, ready to tackle him until Isabel and I caught her by the arms. 

"Yah, come on! Calm down a bit, will you?" Isabel frowned. 

"Aish... What's gotten into him? He's never this violent to us... Did something happen between him and Soo Ah?" Jimin questioned. 

Then Ngoc smacked the back of his head, "Seriously? They can't be.. They promised each other they wouldn't fight."

Is this the result Soo Ah meant?

My eyes widen through my thoughts.

"Well, Suga's going to start this one. Soo Ah wouldn't do anything to piss him off that easily." J-Hope said as we all walked him to the kitchen. 

Britney went to get the first aid kit, and I handed hyung a wet napkin to wipe off the access blood that trickled down his nose bridge. 

"She told me that he was fine before he took the nap." I spoke. "Maybe his dreams affected his real life?" 

"That's.. Huh... Actually, maybe." Taehyung blinked. 

"Here, I got it." Britney's voice came closer as she opened the box. 

"But seriously, that was such a dick move. You should've let him apologize to you, Kookie." Jimin said. 

"Ani, it's fine.. Hyung's been suffering from his mental illness, and it doesn't hurt."

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