Chapter 24: Issues

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~Jin's POV~

"You know, that was very rude of you to take my phone. Plus, cursing at your father? Seriously-"

"Mian haeyo uncle Jin, but please stop." Seojun cut me with a blunt look.

I blinked in surprise at him, then at everyone else.

"Aigoo, our baby boy is growing up like his father.." Cindy sighed.

"I am not like him!" He suddenly rose his voice as everyone gasped with disbelief.

"Seojun!" Mi Yeong shot back at him. "Stop that right now!"

"Why should I?" He growled, as the two siblings began their feud.

"Aish! Just stop it!" I yelled, cutting in between them. "Can't we ever go through a day without fighting, especially with your mother's health?!"

Seojun and Mi Yeong glared at each other, then taking their seat. I sighed, leaning against the wall as I gazed at Rap Monster's complexion..

Aigoo.. Why do you have to look so beautiful...

But I shook my head out of my thoughts to see Yoon Gi walking downstairs.

"How was your talk?" Isabel asked with a worried tone.

He stayed silent, but his facial expression explained everything.

"It's fine if you don't want to discuss it." Ho Seok sighed.

"Jin, are you really...?" Yoon Gi croaked, slowly lifting his head.

I nodded, "I still want this to be private until the right time has come.. Right now is too hectic to take in."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung blinked.

"You'll find out later." Yoon Gi replied, walking off to the kitchen.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated like the past again.." I mumbled under my breath, then getting up to follow after Yoon Gi.

In the kitchen, he was pouring a glass of water. I sat down, waiting for him as he chugged it.

"Jin." He looked up at me. "I'm really sorry for what I did.. And if you don't want to accept it, I understand."

"It's alright. I understand your stubbornness, and reckless actions." I chuckled. "You're very lucky to have Soo Ah as a wife."

"Yeah, I guess.. Anyway, you and, erm, Rap Mon. What are you going to do about that?"

"Patiences is key." I weakly smiled. "I'll just wait until the time comes to confess.."

~A Month Later || Seojun's POV~


"Please, go away." I mumbled. "Stop bothering me, and talking nonsense that I need to hear."

"Why are you like this?" Jaehyun softly cried. "Why do you want to push me away so badly?"

"Because I don't want you interfering with my life.. I love you as my brother, but you're dead. Just rest in peace, Jaehyun." I frowned with sorrow.

He also frowned, stepping close to point at me with his bloody fingers.

"Fine. But just know, make sure you protect omma and Mi Yeong. If you don't, appa will lose it." Jaehyun then disappeared into thin air.

"M-Mwo?" I narrowed my eyes, lost in thoughts. "W-Wait! Wait, Jaehyun! Jaehyun!" I shouted, grabbing the air.

I jumped up from my bed, exhaling heavily to look around my room.

"What did he mean by that..?" I whispered under my breath.

I climbed out of bed, making my way towards the living room to see omma and my older sister fast asleep on the couch.

Then I turned away, not knowing that I ran into appa. I stepped back, startled.

"Sorry papa."


"But uhm.. Can we talk for a moment?"

He nodded, "Let's talk outside."

My dad then led me to our back yard. He sat down on one of the rocking couch chairs, and I sat besides him.

"What did you need to discuss about?"


Appa blinked at me, then looking away.

"Has something happened to her at the doctors? Since the visit?"

"There isn't much to discuss about her condition." He sighed.

"But she's been getting weaker the past month! What else is there to notice?!"

"She just gets tired from work, and stress." My father finally snapped. "You and your sister are starting a career, and she's busy balancing you children, and her life.."

I sighed, looking down at my feet.

That's not the truth, isn't it..? 

"I suppose.."

"Just take it easy on her. I don't want your mother stressing over little things."

I nodded, then getting up to leave appa alone outside.

Jaehyun told me that there was something wrong. Something was going to happen and I needed to get to the bottom of what he meant.

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