Chapter 32: Results

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~Soo Ah's POV~

"Yoon Gi, jebal don't be like this.."

"I'm not..."

I tried reaching out to him, but he brushed me off with a tight grip on my arm.

"I've tried so much to support you, our family, including myself every since I was told about your condition.. I don't know how I'm suppose to go on like this if you're-"

"This is why you have your fans," I smiled softly. "Your fans will help you because they're also like another family..."

I blinked, tears were heavily flowing as the nurses and doctor pushed me into the emergency room. As I took another glance, Yoon Gi was standing frozen...

I love you so much Yoon Gi...

I closed my eyes again, slowly realizing that I was carefully drifting away from the world.

"Omma... I think it's time.."


My child stepped out from the dark and into the light with his arm out, a bright smile across his innocent face.

I remained seated on the edged of the sidewalk, looking around the area to realize it was exact spot of his incident.

"Baby, come here..." He stepped closer as I pulled him against me into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much..."

"I've missed you too Omma..." He softly whispered, tightly hugging me back.

I gazed as my son, wiping the tears off my cheek as my other hand was holding onto him. "Jaehyun.. As much as I want to be with you, and keep you company, I don't think it's the right time... I'm just..-"

"I know omma," Jaehyun took my hand. "Just promise that you'll be more careful of your health.. Everything will soon be all right..."

"Jaehyun..." I covered my mouth, sobbing as his body started to disintegrated away with a smile.

"Saranghae omma.. Gomabseubnida for everything, and for our family's sake..."

"Jaehyun, please..." 

"Soo Ah..?"

~Suga's POV~

"Has it been 4 hours yet?" Isabel asked, sitting on Jimin's lap.

"It's 7 right now..." Jimin said, looking at his phone.

"I wouldn't think her surgery would take almost 7 hours..." Britney quietly said.

"I guess they were wrong.. Or something happened..." Seojun's voice croaked.

I looked down at my phone, the wallpaper of Soo Ah and Seojun's innocent smile, and Mi Yeong's gummy smile.

Who knew she would have my smile...

I chuckled to myself, then looking up to see the doctor approaching us. I quickly shot up from my seat and rushing to him.

"Doctor! How's Soo Ah? Was her surgery a success?" I asked, everyone also rushing to crowd around the doctor.

The doctor looked at each one of us, then back at his paperwork.

"Mrs. Soo Ah," he paused, examining his notes.

God damn it, just get to the point!

"Her surgery was a complete success." He smiled softly.  

Everyone jumped up and down cheering as I sighed deeply with relief. "And how is she? How did it go?"

"In the beginning, we didn't think we could remove it since she was already at the final stage, including that she was loosing a large amount of blood.. Surprisingly she told one of the nurse that she needed to survive... She's a brave woman." He nodded as I smiled.

I grabbed the doctor's hand. "Thank you.. Thank you very much.."

The doctor nodded again. He looked down at my hands, clearing his throat as I quickly led go.

I also cleared my throat, "Um.. So.."

"Her room is 302. Straight from here, turn left, and her room should be on the right."

"Ah, gomabseubnida." I placed my hands behind my back, causally walking to see if everyone was there. "Yah! Where's Mi Yeong?!"

"Noona went to get Seungcheol hyung. He wanted to visit omma." Seojun replied.

I frowned, sighing. "I suppose. Now all of you, get your ass over here!" I shouted then turning back to find Soo Ah's room.

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