Chapter 26: Official Difference

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~Suga's POV~

"So how's YG's Entertainment going?" I asked, plotting down on the couch besides my daughter.

"It's going great." She smiled up from her packet. "The director said that since I took art in high school, he's letting me practice a few more plays before I can debut!"

"Omo! That's pretty early.."

Mi Yeong nodded, "But I'm still going to take the classes I need in college and improve myself."

"Well then, fighting my princess. Your mother and I are always behind you." I smiled, leaning to kiss her forehead.

"Aigoo, are you done? I still have to practice on my songs, and you know that takes forever." Seojun grumbles.

"The longer you're a trainee, the better chance of you becoming a leader of a group." Soo Ah replied from the stairway.

"Omma!" Mi Yeong smiled.

"I thought you were resting." I blinked.

"I decided to come out and get some fresh air." She said, sitting down on the couch.

"But I want to become a solo artist."

"It'll take some time, baby. Just endure a little bit of your high school years, and you'll definitely join JYP." My wife kissed our sons cheek.

"I guess.. Thanks omma and appa." He replied, getting up to leave to his room.

"I should also go to my room and practice. Annyeong~" Mi Yeong lowered her head and ran upstairs.

I watched my children leave to their separate bedrooms, then back at my wife. I gazed at her complexion. Still pale, but she was still beautiful to me no matter what.

"Is there something on my face?" She suddenly asks with a smile.

I chuckled with a nodded. "Yeah. Beauty, as always.." I got up from my seat to sit next to her, taking her soft hands.

"I love you Min Soo Ah."

My wife chuckled, "I love you too, Min Yoon Gi."

She leaned her head over my shoulder. I turned to kiss her forehead, then lifting my hand, to stroke her soft hair.

Please stay strong, Soo Ah.. I don't want you to leave this early... For our children's sake. For mine..

~Jin's POV~

"Just stay calm, Jin. You'll be fine, I promise. If anything happens between you two, I'm here."

"Thanks Soo Ah." I chuckled through the phone. "But-"

"No buts. If he doesn't accept it, he's worth  no good. Just hopefully nothing changes between you two as a band.."

"Yeah... But thank you so much again. Take care."

"Alright, annyeong."

You can do this Seok Jin... Get yourself together and get this all over with..

I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath. Looking over my shoulder, Nam Joon was busy talking to the maknaes. As I froze to gaze at his beauty, he turned towards me with his smile; his adorable dimple killing me.

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