Chapter 33: Father VS Son

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And, if this season is worse than the first, I'm terribly sorry :')
My brain is fried..

~Seojun's POV~

I watched my father as he called us as if he was around his 20s. Picking up my feet, I fasten my pace to my appa.

"What's ommas room?" I asked, huffing as I reached by his side.

"On this turn!"

"Araso, gomabseubnida appa!" I saluted him with a bright smile, then passing him to stop at my mother's room.

"Min Soo Ah."

I gently knocked on the door, then stepping into a room filled with some familiar memories that were either mine or not.

"Aigoo, you're really a pabo, Jimin. The stairs was only two steps and you fell off!"

"Soo Ah! How's our second baby girl?"


"OMO! Baby number two already?!"

"You're a pabo... Why does this have to happen to us?"

"Ji Yeon.. Please, get out of my life."

"Yoon Gi..? Jaehyun?... Please wake up... Jebal!"

Tears ran down my cheek, but I quickly wiped them away before anyone could see them. I cautiously walked towards my mother's bed.

Omma was still unconscious, her complexion was still pale, the body appeared limp, but her lips were still rosy.

"Omma.." I whimpered, taking a seat besides her bed and taking her cold hands. "Please be alright..."

"She'll be alright.." Appa said.

I looked up at him, but looked back. He pulled out a chair and sat besides me.

"She's been through so much without any one knowing the truth.. She even tried hiding things from me," Appa softly explained.

"Because she's like Uncle Ho Seok. Even-... I'm like that."

I could feel appa's gaze over my shoulder as I sat still.

"Seojun," he began, "omma tries her best to support her family. But it's my fault that she has to go through complications with a world-wide famous group.."

"Is that where you got most of your inspiration for your album?" I rose a brow, finally looking at him.


"I also have your temper, appa." I shot at him, "I have so much in mind what relation we have from your past, to my present."

"That doesn't have to do much about my genes," My father frowned, the anger filling him.

"Really? But, due to a parents hormones, maybe it could be. Or our mentality, appa. My choices could be similar to yours from the past. I found some articles and read some." I shrugged.

"Min Seojun." He growled.

The door burst open as my aunt and uncles entered the room.

I took a deep breath, then standing up. "And that's my que for some fresh air. Mian hae appa."

As I left, I heard his final words.

"This isn't the end of this conversation."

~Mi Yeong's POV~

"Mi Yeong, are you coming?" Aunt Britney asked, looking at me.

I perked up from my phone, "Ah, ani! I need to pick someone up before I can."

"I see... Then come to room 302 when you're finished, alright?"

I nodded, "Okay auntie." Then turning back to my phone as I started walking around the hospital entrance. "Annyeong? Where are you?"

"I just got out, and I'm walking around. Where are you?"

"The front, you pabo!"

"Aigoo, stay there. I see you. Annyeong babe~"


Beep beep!

I sighed, holding myself as I looked around to find Seungcheol.

"Where can this boy be?" I softly mumbled, suddenly seeing darkness.

"Right behind you."

"Aish," I frowned, noticing the flowers in his hand.

"It's a gift the boys and I decided on," Seungcheol smiled.

"Alright," I pulled his hand "C'mon, we need to hurry."

He smiled, intertwining my hands with his as I led him towards my mother's room.

When we reached my mother's room, it was quiet; my aunt and uncles close to each other. But appa and uncle J-Hope were beside ommas bed.

"How is omma?" I softly asked.

"She's still unconscious, but she'll be alright," Uncle Ho Seok replied.

"I see..."

"Oh! I, um.. The boys and I sent her flowers as a get-well gift.." S Coups walked forward, placing it on a table.

"Thank you Seungcheol," Appa kept his gaze over my mother.

"How long is it going to take her to wake up?" Isabel asked, leaning over Jimin's shoulder.

"A day or so, and she'll be able to leave by the end of this week." My uncle replied.

"I just realized, where's Seojun?" I looked around. "Wasn't he rushing to get here?"

"He left." Appa's tone quickly changed.

And that's when I knew something wasn't right..

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