Chapter 2: meeting

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Y/n P.O.V
Around midnight I wake up to something/one on top of me just as I open my eyes a hand goes over my mouth making me panic for a second I couldn't see anything then I saw a face that anyone would find hideous. He had a carved smile across his face and his eyelids were burnt off by the looks of it.
"Go to sleep" he said and just before he stabbed me I moved making him only stab my shoulder. I scream in pain and grab my shoulder making me fall of the bed to the floor. I pull out the butterfly knife that was in my pocket and pointed it at him.
"How about you close your eyes and say goodbye" I was already aware that he couldn't close his eyes but hey it was my catch phrase.
"I can't dumbass" he says as he slowly walks towards me.
"Then how about I stab them out for you" I say lunging at him attempting to get him in the gut but he blocks making me stab his arm. He let out a noise of pain and flinched back.
"So you're it... the monster on top of the rest" he says holding his arm.
"I'm not a monster I'm a demon child" I scoff at him holding my shoulder.
"Thought you'd be more attractive what a bummer" he says sighing slightly.
"And I thought the famous Jeff the killer wouldn't be such a dick" I roll my eyes and check to see how much blood i was loosing.
Damn that's a lot, I ain't gunna last that long I'm gunna have to run.
He lets go of his arm and runs at me with the knife, due to being distracted he got to the point he was holding the knife to my neck. 'Oh crap' I thought as I noticed there was no way of blocking, Jeff must have noticed the shock in my eyes yet he didn't seem quite pleased.
"Why aren't you begging for your life bitch?" He asks his voice slightly raised.
"Cos it ain't worth it" I say he realises all the colour drain from my e/c eyes and the monotone look that appears on my face.
"Your a killer shouldn't you be enjoying this slightly? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He begins talking louder.
"I enjoy killing not being killed... and what do you mean what the fuck is wrong with me I'm fine" I say with a monotone voice. I lift my head up a bit making the knife cut some of my skin without making a fuss I put my head back to its position.
"Where did the lively ness go?" He pulls the blade away a bit. Wait is he showing weakness, I take my opportunity to knock the knife out of his hand and lunge at him.
"Shit" I say weakly as I slowly fall the the ground. When? How?
"How the.... fuck did you get my knife" I say spewing up some blood and clutching my stomach with pain I role onto my back and look up at Jeff.
"Haha your such a prick" I laugh while spitting some blood. "Cheap move" I say attempting to get up, I manage to get myself slouched against the wall but find myself unable to move further.
"I'm thinking about cutting off your tongue ya know like you did with the others" he grabs hold of your tongue and lightly cuts it. "But then again that's your thing" he says smirking. "I'll just do what I normally do" he grabs a knife and carves a smile into my face it's not as deep as his and everyone else he has done it to but it hurt like hell. I scream and try to move but to no avail. Suddenly everything goes black.

Jeff's P.O.V
After I carved the smile into her face she passed out. "Wow she's tougher than I thought. I'm surprised she ain't dead" I say to myself before I can stab her again to finish her off I hear sirens. Quickly I jump out of the window and hide close by. If this was any other person I would have killed them, but I'm interested in what will happen next. I see y/n get picked up and put in the back of an ambulance it was surrounded by officers but they seemed more interested in her. 'Wait do they know that it's her, but how?' A million questions was going through my mind at this point and found myself subconsciously following the ambulance to the hospital. What am I even doing I was supposed to kill her not supervise her.

That Smiling Idiot (Jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now