Chapter 46: fair play

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Question: what's your favourite movie?

3rd P.O.V
The group was now looking at the two bens puzzled.
"Cmon it's me don't be dumb" the one in the chair says for the 10th time.
"Shut up if you carry on you'll get a game over" the other says.
"I mean that is something that idiot would say" Jeff shrugs. In unison both bens shout.
"HEY" In a crackled way then immediately looks at each other "shut it you" they both growl in frustration.
"Welllllll..... she couldn't have gotten out of the chair without us knowing right" masky adds. Everyone agrees.
"Guys what the hell" the Ben sat down says struggling more. The other stands there and watches.
"Your play game was weak" the other Ben says. Within the group they all leave.
"Y/nnnnnnn! You bitch get your ass back in here" the Ben in the chair yells. The group stop and turn to look at the door for a second. Then at the now disappeared Ben.
"Think we got the wrong one?" Lj says sweat dropping. In return the rest of the group grunts. They go on there search to find y/n.

Y/n P.O.V
Absolute idiots, who doesn't know Ben cmon he's the easiest person to copy. I hear footsteps and transform into smiledog as I watch Lj and Masky run past. As soon as I couldn't hear their footsteps I transform back. This was easy.
"Caught" a smile faulted my vision as I was tripped mid fall I turn into a mouse to soften my fall then back into my normal body.
"Fuck you jeff" the next thing I know I'm being held back by slender man. "Fuck sake. What are you gunna do cage me up like an animal" I laugh uncontrollably.

You guessed it I'm in a cage.... outside... like a fucking animal. Like a bat I'm hanging from the top bars of the cage staring at the kitchen window waiting for someone to come out of the house so I can mess with their mind. I could say not having sanity is the best thing ever but I'd be lying I would kill to have some f/f right now.
"Sucks right" a voice calls out I spin my head 180° then drop down to face them directly.
"Dark link it's been a while" I snicker.
"What the fuck happened to you where'd the chill you go?" He laughs walking closer to the cage.
"I upgraded I'm now free of that shitty sanity. Can you hear that? Me either where are the screams of pain Hm???" I ask confused yet joking. The door of the house opens and I turn to the sound to see Ben looking at me. Looking pissed.
"Bennnnnnnnn I was just talking to y/n here" dark link smirks.
"We got told not to talk to her till slendy decides what to do" he states crossing his arms.
"Awwww is ikkle benny mad" I get closer to the bars facing the house and Ben lifts a eyebrow to my comment smirking. Yet I caught on.
"So I touch the bars I get a shock Hm?" I smirk dark link laughs and walks towards Ben.
"Cmon lets go before she tricks your dumbass again" they both walk back inside.
"Fucking idiots the cage doesn't shock me you was told that for your own minds safety pfft" I lean my head on to the bars and let out a sigh it'd be easy to leave but I haven't done what I came here to do. I look up to see Jeff looking at me through his window. Seductively as a joke I slide my tongue up the bar then smirk he looks away quickly and closes the blind.

It's now centre of the night and it was raining. I'd never been a fan of rain it caused too many complications and here I was in the mud in a cage drenched by rain. My eyes turn red and I growl at the rain.
"Fucking rain I'll rip your throat out dumb ass bubble munching tree hugging Mother Nature" I mumble. I sit up and use my heat vision and nocturnal nature to sense all the warmth coming from the house I walk to the end closer to the house to hope the heat travels which it doesn't instead it gets shot down by the cold rain.
"Surely you could turn into an animal that isn't bothered by rain or is made for cold climates" the voice seemed calm in the rain I look to see Toby drenched by the rain with blood dripping from his hatchet.
"You got told not to speak to me isn't that cute your breaking rules" I smirk trying to change subjects to mess with his head.
"I disagree with them that you're here to cause harm. This was your home at some point and you lost it over a feud with Jeff" Toby stutters and twitches sitting on a rock close by.
"That's what he said Hm? We had a feud. Pathetic" I growl.
"Oh so it wasn't that?" He questions, he genuinely sounded interested which made me question why.
"What's it matter to you?" I snarl.
"I know it sucks dick to be outcasted" he made sense and I respected that.
"I-j— ughhh- uh- just go inside before you catch something that isn't a victim" I sigh. He nods and begins to leave "wait can you just let me try some of that blood" I smile innocently earning a weird look. He shakes his head no.
"Unless you get through the bars and come get it you won't have any.
"Fair play" I smile.

The winner of the last oneeee issss 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁....... ArtandStoriesareBae

Short simple and made me laugh for some strange reason

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Short simple and made me laugh for some strange reason. Is my favourite nocturnal animal toooo 😂😂

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