Chapter 51: till one is dead

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3rd P.O.V
A clean blow projectiles a worrying amount of blood against the barrier as the body followed afterwards the creepypastas remain breathless at the person who laid there.
"Y/N!!!!" Jeff yells his hand outstretched. Y/n's body remained slumped against the barrier. "SLENDERMAN TAKE THE BARRIERS DOWN" he continued to yell.
"I can't they made the terms unconsciously they wanted a fight to the death... and non of them is yet dead" slenderman spoke.

Y/n's memory
It was my first time reading on the other killers in town I had only just started high school so when people found out I use to get bullied for being a weirdo, I'd read through all the articles of people going missing then murderers appearing after a while I began to piece the names together with the killers written about in the papers. I'd walk the corridors and think what if the killers that I couldn't match the name with where just everyday people. The quiet ones? The needy ones? The popular kids? I knew any of them could be one but that's just because i know I'm one. I would read about people going missing in the papers and trace the killers movements and motives after a while I decided to go all superhero style and 'kill the bad guys' as if to change my fate that was already sealed. One day a new kid arrived, he sat next to me in all my lessons, I'd say he was a girls typical crush and by hell did I fall for him, it was to the point we'd hangout all the time. I seemed to have missed the countless amounts of deaths circling the area which the school and home was he would walk me home because it "wasn't safe outside". A year into knowing him he took me to a forest well more like a woods to a clearing where an old yet elegant tree grew in the Center everything about it was bright and perfect I walked up to the tree the grass brushing my ankles as I walked through the grass and placed my palm against the tree admiring the fine patterns within the bark I turn around a smile on my face ready to say words I'd been holding in when a katana blade was sliced along my chest shoulder to hip the bright green grass in front of me became tainted mine and his eyes locked I would have asked why but my brain was making sense of it all.
A new person joins the school sees an easy target the one that sits beside them in class, draws them into a sense of security, makes them discombobulated of the true facts and made up nonsense, then strikes before they find out.

My knees met the puddle of blood beneath me and I stayed slouched over staring at the mud mixing with my blood. He said some words after almost like a monologue something about me not realising and how stupid I was. A foot collided with my stomach as I was kicked back into the tree my body slumping down my head spinning my eyes wondering the katana then landed between my legs imbedded in the mud, slowly he crouched down holding my head in place to look at him, he went to speak more shit but his glory didn't last long.
"Oi, dick head, wanna be careful how you torment your prey" I smirked I had placed both my legs behind one of his so I could pull my legs towards me and the blade hit his leg. He screams in pain as the blade splits his skin. "Not just that but what a lousy weapon.. ha a Katana thin blades easier to snap" I push myself up and towards it my head colliding with his and the blade shattering from the weight. That was the first time I wanted to be with someone. It was the time that I realised the one thing I'm good at is not giving a fuck about living or dying.

3rd P.O.V back to reality.
NNN grabs y/n by the hair and forces her to stand showing her off to the crowd.
"YOU THINK THIS WILL SAVE YOU" she smirks "PATHETIC" she throws y/n at the ground and crouches down beside her.
"I can make this quick and painless, or I can take my sweet time" she goes to spit on y/n but is cut short when y/n grabs NNN by the throat without moving the rest of her body she lays there her hand on NNN's throat in a tight grip yet her body looking lifeless.
Until she began to move... slowly she began to get up her hand never moved from NNN's throat.
"Well do you want a quick death or painful one cos I'm up for a bit of fun" y/n smirked with razor teeth. NNN began to feel y/n grow claws that slowly scraped her skin only enough to cause pain. "So many things I can do to make you die just from the pain or blood loss" y/n laughed "your first mistake was thinking I had given In, your second was the cocky ass crouch you did, oh boy, oh boy are you regretting your choices you crusty bitch" y/n licks her lips as a fear tactic. NNN injects something into y/n's wrist which makes it go numb y/n retracts her arm back with a growl head butting NNN once more then kicking her in the opposite direction.
"How long are they gunna do this for" Toby asks worried.
"Till one is dead"

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