Chapter 23: jeffs a scary person

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How did I know? Well because......

3rd P.O.V
Jeffs eyes widen as dark link lowers his head putting it close to y/n's neck then licking her neck, y/n grimaced at the feeling of the tongue coming in contact with her neck and squeezed her eyes shut.
"You....ha...ha..." jeff was now staring at the floor with his hair shading his eyes from y/n's and dark link's vision however Ben could see it clearly and he wish he couldn't, he backs up slightly.
The look Jeff had on his face wasn't a horrifying one, but Ben knew that face was one of complete insanity and nothing else only one thing was going through his mind 'kill dark link' slowly Jeff raised his head to look at y/n then raised it higher to glare at dark link.
"YOU WAS FUCKING WARNED" he growled with no hesitation Jeff launched forward grazing DL's arm (Dark Link) in reaction DL let go of y/n who scurried towards Ben. This was a fight even slenderman wouldn't dare to intervene, so Ben was almost putting a zebra stripe in his pants at the thought of doing so.
The most Ben was going to do was keep y/n out of harms way and hope slenderman returns and figures a way to stop the fight before something happens.

DL looks around trying to see Jeff and where he had disappeared to when he felt a tap on his back he swung his knife back and hit nothing. Only to be greeted by a knife being stabbed directly into his arm. He lets out a groan of pain and slashes his knife at Jeff cutting jeff's chest. This happens a few times back and forth and y/n began to grow worried over the whole thing. She bucks up some courage before speaking.
"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!" She yells. DL smirks and stops, Jeff also stops and give y/n a look she has never seen before, it wasn't anger, love, sadness. No. It was something different. The look of insanity. Jeff stands from his fighting position, he's slouched over slightly smiling even more than he usually does, he begins to chuckle, then laugh he looks away from you and stabs DL's shoulder while his guard was down, pulling his knife out then kicking him into the tv.

Y/n P.O.V
I watch the two fight, jeffs gone completely insane I'm clutching to the back of bens clothes with fear, I could tell ben was scared too but he stood in front of me in the corner so there was no way someone could harm me, I could feel him trembling. I look out from behind him to watch the fight.
DL had been kicked into the tv and had pieces of glass on him blood was everywhere from both DL and Jeff, I couldn't take anymore of it I flinched with every move DL made that hurt Jeff, I flinched more than he did, it didn't seem to phase him. However the pain and blood loss was getting to DL as his moves and dodges became slower.
With almost an hour of this going on DL drops to the floor barely clinging to life and Jeff was about to end it all. He raised his knife in the air once again laughing.
"YOU NEVER LEARN YUR LESSONS DO YOU" he laughed again "I WARNED YOU... I WARNED EVERYONE THAT IF YOU TOUCH HER YOUR GUNNA FUCKING DIE.... BUT YOU DIDNT LISTEN" he was laughing every bit he could. My body seemed to act on its own, I pushed Ben away making him stumble a bit, just as Jeff was about to lower his weapon to kill DL I tackle him away knocking his knife out of his hand and straddling him rendering him not able to move.
"J-Jeff calm down p-please" I struggle to say as he was attempting to move out of my grip.
"LET GO, LET GO, LET GO" he yells moving around more.
"Jeff please" I plead even more my hair casting a shadow on my eyes, his movement die down as he notices small amounts of tears forming and rolling down my cheeks. And yes I was crying, out of fear? No. The thought Jeff was hurt? No. The thought someone would die? No. It was the thought of what slenderman would do to Jeff if he had killed DL and the thought of what his punishment is going to be for this.
"Y-y/n I'm..." Jeff couldn't even finish his sentence, due to me letting go of his arms and engulfing him in a hug as I lay there sobbing I feel him sit up as I am now sat on his knee like a small child hugging him while crying, I feel his hand slowly and gently pat my head and the other pull me in closer to the hug. "I'm sorry" he whispers. Ben just stood in the corner for a while before walking over to DL and standing on his shoulder earning a grunt from him.
"How are you still alive, don't think I'm gunna let you die. Slendy will decide what to do with you when he gets back" Ben spits, picking DL up by the collar and dragging him to the couch to lay down. He turns to look at us and shakes his head.
"Damn jeff you have anger problems... you need some serious help" Ben jokes earning a "fuck you" from Jeff, which Ben laughs at turning back to DL and poking his shoulder a few times.
"Did you really have to loose it in front of her you could have told me to move her to a different room" Ben says.
"I would've but... there's no hiding me in front of her" he lets out a small laugh, one that was more pleasant to my ears.
"Yeah, who could hide such a giant joker reject" I giggle patting his head where a tick mark appears on his forehead, but that soon leaves when I give him a gentle peck on the cheek.
"Anyway wasn't like you could move Ben you was scared shitless" I smirk as I see him scratch the back of his head.
"Y-yeah well I-I.... jeffs a scary person angry" he stutters turning away pouting.

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