Chapter 16: Gifts?

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Y/n P.O.V
I wake up in the middle of the night to see the boy still asleep I climb of his bed and turn back to my normal self I walk down stairs finding the kitchen then food to eat, as I was eating a made walks in and shrieks at my presence.
"Fuck" I say before long I hear footsteps on the stairs so I turn back into a husky and begin barking at the maid, the boy walks in and I pretend to cower behind him. "Maid what's the meaning of this" he says sternly.
"That.. that dog is... it's a monster" she stutters out which receives a growl from me and another threatening bark.
"You've probably seen something and blamed the dog for it just go back to your room" he says sighing. She does as she is told and runs out of the kitchen. "Y/n" he says strictly turning around and pointing in front of him, I walk over like a dog that's getting told off. "Your being a bad dog and for that you can sleep in here tonight" he says before going upstairs back to bed.

As soon as I know he's in bed I turn back to my human form. "Ugh this sucks" I say taking my knife out my pocket "I could kill him but... he's, cute" I put the knife back and open the back door. "I'll get him a gift" I think before hopping 5 houses down. I walk in as if it's my house and walk upstairs "who the fuck leaves their doors unlocked on a night" I shake my head at the thought. There were two kids bedrooms and a parents room. I decided to only kill the parents and cause the kids emotional pain. Walking into the parents room I smile as I transform into a small puppy and wake the mother up she finds it cute and follows me downstairs where I turn back into my human form and gut her spreading her guts and blood everywhere before cutting off her tongue and replacing a nearby picture with it. I smile at my work then go back up to the father I wake him up by poking him as soon as he wakes up I make a 'sh' gesture then grab his tongue and slice it off before stabbing his heart killing him. I then replace a painting with his tongue like I did with the mother. I smile at my work and walk out of the room shutting the door I check that the kids are still asleep. I walk over to a door with the words 'rose' I walk in and see the little girl fast asleep. I then go to the other door 'dan' I open the door to see it empty all except a stuffed bear. I pick it up "I'll give this to him maybe he'll be happy and let me lay in a bed" I say walking out and going back to the boys house.

I walk back through the back door and turn into a husky with the bear in my mouth waiting at the entrance of the kitchen for him to come down. Not long after waiting he walks in yawning.
"Morning y/n" he says sleepily I jump up at him till he notices the bear. "What's that"
I put it down in front of him so he could get it and I sit down wagging my tail.
"My old teddy where did you get it from" he questions holding the teddy in front of him.
"Fuck I just... yeah I just killed his family" I think I put my head to the side to show confusion.
"I thought I left it with my no good family" he growls.
"Oh so he doesn't like them well then that's good" I think again.
"Fuck this" I say out loud scaring him a bit.
"Y-y/n you can t-t-talk" he stutters.
"Yeah I can" I answer "I hate doing dog signals" he still looks surprised.
"So you got this from my-" he begins to say before I disrupt him.
"They lived 5 doors down, your name is dan and you have a sister rose, that teddy was the only thing left in your room" I say still sat there on the floor.
"How do you know that" he says still taken back but not as bad now.
"You might want to go get your sister just be careful not to step in blood." I say monotonously.
"BLOOD" he says eyes wide. I turn back to my human form sighing heavily as I realise I'm covered in blood.
"Yep you didn't like them so they're dead big deal" I say pulling my blood covered knife out.
"Thanks" he mutters.
"What?" I asked in a confused tone.
"Thanks you just saved me a job" he says louder
"Ohhh you was gunna kill them yourself wasn't you" I say smirking.
"Shut up! They deserve it" he says looking at the floor. "Why didn't you kill rose?" he asks.
"I wanted to make her suffer emotionally" I say back.
"Go back.. finish the job" he says looking into my eyes.
"What no you wanna do it do it yourself" I cross my arms.
"Don't forget who can be given into the police" he says smiling.
"Damn you really know how to charm a girl" I say walking out of the door "I'll do it but you've still gotta produce my shelter, food and water" I say.
"I'll treat it like nothing happened" he says nodding.
"Great it's a deal" I say growing a pair of wings then go flying to the house to kill rose.

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