Halloween special (not related to story)

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The house was silent. Apart from the distant giggles of the family in the living room. It was late at night 10/11 o'clock they was watching the back end of a film, seemed to be a comedy by the sounds of laughter.
The youngest was laid completely asleep not a noise waking her up, the others felt close to dropping asleep, the film finally drew to the credits a yawn spreading like wildfire throughout the family.
"Seems to be bed time" the father announced as he stood up, earning groans from everyone except the mother but apposed to the groans they still went up to sleep.

It's now 3 in the morning on Halloween, the bewitching hour. The 15 year old girl got up from her sleep to a strange tapping noise, after giving it up as 'just the wind outside' she went downstairs for a drink of water. As she was filling her glass up she listened for any sounds. Closing her eyes she concentrated. The ticking of the clock. The snores of her brother. The heavy breathing from her parents and younger sister. The unknown tapping noise. She opened her eyes looking out the window into her back garden which was dimly lit, turning off the tap she was about to go back to bed when a figure lurking next to the shed in the shadows caught her eye. It's eyes lit up like a fire. She shook her head dismissing it as a hallucination and turned to leave.
The door slams shut, the light dims to a flicker. A deadly cold aura comes about the room.
Skilfully written on the wall is the word 'close your eyes' she approaches the word catching it's metallic scent and red look along with the drip marks and pulls it together to find out it was blood, from where and who was unknown. With the shake of her head she closes her eyes and stumbles back.
"One.. two... three....four" her voice shook as she counted. When she re opened her eyes it was gone. The door was open trying her best to rush she ran to her room in panic.

Sirens was what woke her up next, she attempted to move but was being held down. Their face was human yet not, it looked too much like an animal, the fire fuelled eyes the odd few scales on the skin. They placed their hand over their mouth and whispers 'shhhh'
"Your the last to go" they smirk. The girl feels a sharp pain in her stomach as the claws of the creature grabs at her insides gripping tightly then pulling them out, blood showers through the room staining the white walls red.
"Close your eyes and say goodbye" the voice rang clear as the last words the 15 year old heard.

The next day everyone had heard about it. The family murdered viciously by a 15 year old told to be on some kind of heavy drug. The 15 year old then killed themselves by committing seppuku where they stab their stomach and de gut themselves. There was no proof of anyone coming into the house other than a window that must have been left open.
Y/n throws the paper on the floor a smirk shown on her face.
"Rumours said one got away" a stranger says breaking the silence on the bench, y/n licks her lips still tasting the blood from the younger girl.
"She went somewhere" she smirked.

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