Chapter 28: care to tell

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Quick message for people who read this book I love you all, your comments are pure and you all make me laugh I've decided at the beginning of every chapter I'm going to do a random question, answer it with your funniest answer and I will shout my frav out in the next chapter I make (this will start in the up coming chapter)...
also thank you all so much 39k reads!!! And 1k votes!! Also making #1 in creepypasta!! I feel like fainting ^.^

Y/n P.O.V
"JEFFFFFF" I run around the halls shouting his name. "WHERE YOU ATTTT" with a depressed look jeff turns around the corner that look was soon replaced with one of joy when I sprint at him with my arms open "JOKER REJECT" I tackle him to the ground and sit on top of him with a bright smile.
"Y/n? You can see me?" A smile grew even more on his face. "Wait.... how" his face filled with suspicion.
"Ohhhh yeah we have a mission that might last a while" I continue to smile.

Jeffs P.O.V
She explains everything then hands me the file, yet I'm still laid on the floor why? Because she doesn't want to get off.
"So we after act like students, it's been a while since I've been to school... oh theres a house key here too seems this might take a while" I look up at her, her h/l, h/c hair sways as she looks around the hall. I smile at her childishness, reaching up and lightly griping her chin making her look at me, her e/c glistened in the light I lean my head forward and lightly kiss her lips, a light blush appeared on her cheeks I smirk and let go using my arms to support me, she stands up and covers her face with her hands, as fast as I could I swiftly got up and picked her up bridal style.
"Let's get ready for the mission ok" I smirk carrying her to our room. We walk in and begin to pack our stuff before leaving the mansion.

It's been an hour and although she's my girlfriend I could kill her right now.
"Jeffff" she's been saying my name continuously for no reason.
"What y/n?" I answer a tick mark appearing on my head.
"We there yet" she complains running ahead and around a few trees before coming back.
"A few more minutes" I sigh I put my hands at the back of my head as I walk through the forest I was in my 'human form' so no one could tell it is me, y/n looked only a bit different her hair was white (sorry if your hair is white already you can change it if you want) just like pure snow and her eyes where a bloody red due to her using her ability her hair was really long and she was wearing really short denim shorts this mad me a lil angry because I didn't want any boys trying it on with her and a plane f/c top. I was wearing skinny jeans and a plane white hoodie.
"JEFFFF guess what?... we're here" y/n was acting like a giddy little child jumping around a few people looked at us but I ignored them and carried on walking to our little house across from the school we had our mission at.

Y/n P.O.V
I was getting more hyper at the second, after jeff telling me to calm down I casually walked along side him seeing our house come into view, I walked to the door and unlocked it slowly opening the door to see it all tidy and ready to be lived in. My eyes sparkle as I take a run and jump onto the couch. I hear jeff chuckle as he walks in and takes a few seconds just looking at me probably lost in thought, he snaps out of it and let's out a sigh.
"We are going to school in 10 minutes I suggest changing what your wearing" his voice sounded strict.
"Why tho these are comfy" I complain sliding of the coach letting out a tired groan.
"Because you'll attract the fuck boys and I don't want anyone touching you, your mine" his voice was full of anger as he thought about the other boys I sigh and head up the stairs to change my outfit.

"Because you'll attract the fuck boys and I don't want anyone touching you, your mine" his voice was full of anger as he thought about the other boys I sigh and head up the stairs to change my outfit

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(That's your outfit)
"This better" I say spinning around allowing him to see my outfit.
"Perfect" He takes long strides over to me and give me a big hug he then kisses my forehead and we begin our journey to hell... I mean school my bad I mix them up a lot.

We arrive at the school and because it's half way through there's no one around. Slowly I look at jeff and he does the same to me.
"You ready for death" I smile.
"Bring it" he smirks putting his hands into his hoodie pocket and walking ahead, I follow closely behind him but can't help but feel as if I'm being watched not by a single person but many.
We had already decided what we was going to do, we are students transferring from another school did to behaviour, we are playing the typical cool students so in short we aren't gunna give a fuck and are probably gunna become popular quicker than many people.
We reach the headmasters office and hear shouting coming from inside. I then hear people around the corner giggling and laughing to each other saying how that was the best prank they had pulled.
"Care to tell?" I ask sternly stepping around the corner.

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