Chapter 18: waaaat!!

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Y/n P.O.V
I return back to dan after finishing off rose I'll save you the gory details.
"So your a murderer" dan states.
"Actually I prefer the term serial killer, I have a certain technique and have killed a lot of people" I shrug grabbing a hand full of biscuits then begin eating them.
"Technique?" He questions on making a cup of tea.
"I kill them with this butterfly knife" I say pulling out the knife and doing a trick "or I use my animal forms like teeth, claws etc once there close to dying I cut of their tongue and hang it up on a wall" I smile looking at him.
"Animal form... hmm interesting" he mutters.
"I can turn into mythological creatures too as long as their is a piece of evidence they exist" I smirk looking at him turning my eyes to dragon eyes. He blinks a few times.
"Please..... pleeeease be a little dragon for me" he pleads like a little child.
"Nope, sorry can't change the size" I shake my head.
"Wait what's you catch phrase" he brings up another thing about being a killer.
"Close your eyes and say goodbye" I say shoving an entire biscuit into my mouth.
"I've heard of you before, you was all over the news you went missing for quite a while" he seems to be getting way too into this.
"Yeah, yeah I'm going to go take a shower" I say waving my hand around.
"Would you like me to-" I cut him off before he could finish the sentence.
"I'll use the spare room, I've already gotten some spare clothes don't worry" I say walking upstairs.

3rd P.O.V
While y/n was upstairs dan was overthinking having a serial killer in his house. Not in a bad way but how it would benefit him.
"I could order her around, get her to kill who I want" he talks a loud.
"But she could kill me if she disagrees with someone I order" he sits in the living room arguing the pros and cons.
"I would never be suspected of killing my family and if worst comes to worst I'll tell them about her" he smiles.
"But if she escapes or even hears any of this I have a chance of-" he stops himself feeling a presence behind him.
"Dying" y/n finishes.she sighs and sits beside dan. "If I wanted to I would have done it already so chill out" y/n turns into a dog sensing someone at the door. Dan catches on and walks over to the door answering it.
"Hi there have you seen any lost animal recently we kind of lost a few of them" the boy had black hair and weirdly coloured eyes plus really pale skin says.
"No" dan says bluntly. The boy looks behind dan directly at y/n.
"Your such a sneaky bitch" the boy remarks two other boys come up behind him one had blond hair and a green top with brown pants and a green hat, the other had brown hair with his hood up covering his face.
"That's not really nice Jeff" y/n speaks still in dog form, she turns back and leans on dans shoulder. "What do you three want" she demands.
"For you to come back" the blond one spoke.
"Really Ben why does that sound like a line out of a game" y/n remarks back.
"Come on we're being serious" the brown haired one spoke.
"Out of everyone jack I though you was smart enough not to come" y/n sighs. "I guess you'll all want to come in before that spell wares off" they all nod and both dan and y/n step aside letting them in, sure enough the spell became undone and they went back to normal.
"Slender man wants you back" Jeff speaks. Only for jack to elbow him in the ribs earning a grunt.
"And.... someone else.." Ben edges Jeff to say it.
"Plus you forgot something" Jeff holds up the collar he made y/n wear "I did say that you would be punished but it wasn't you who took it off" a light tint of pink was on jeffs cheek but it wasn't very visible.
"Oh for fuck sake y/n Jeff wants you back too" Ben blurts our earning a death glare from Jeff and a nod from jack.
"Ha great joke Ben" y/n says a slight bit of sadness in her voice.
"He's being serious" Jeff mutters catching y/n of guard.
"Waaaat!!" She says her mouth wide open, "but that stuff that happened before and the collar and the... the... what the fuck" y/n says unable to form full sentences. She takes the collar from jeffs hands looking at it then at him. "You confuse the fuck out of me ya know" she laughs a bit. "You and your fucking mood swings" Jeff doesn't say anything back he just nervously chuckles scratching the back of his neck.

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