Chapter 21: light punishment

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3rd P.O.V
Ready for epic entrance in
The door to the mansion flings open and Jeff goes flying into the wall all eyes were on him as he stands back up looking at the door, their eyes slowly wander to the door where y/n stands pouting.
"You can't just drop me like that joker reject" y/n says refusing to make eye contact with Jeff and continues to pout.
"You can't just throw me through the front door that hurt" Jeff says patting off the bits of broken door on him, he looks up a y/n who is still pouting. "Look I'm sorry stop the pouting thing" Jeff says walking over to her, the proxies that where watching this all gasp.
"Looks like he's in love"
"Who is this person and where's Jeff"
"Jeff in love impossible"
"Y/n and him? No"
"Y/n's too pure for him what the fuck"
They all talked amongst themselves making Jeff more mad.
"Awww look your affection is showing in front of other people how cute" y/n smiles patting jeffs shoulders and heading to slenders office. A slight tint of blush was left on jeffs cheeks as y/n begins to walk upstairs. Jeff notices a few people looking at her butt as she walks up the stairs and walks over to them.
"It's nice isn't it" Jeff jokes standing next to them.
"Yeah.... shit.. no... haha I'm kidding... don't kill me" Jeff punches them in the face sending them flying and decides to make an announcement while y/n was gone.
"Touch her, talk to her, look at her even breath near her and your dead you got that" Jeff says glaring at everyone, they all just nod and scatter off around the house.
"No fair jeffy you can't keep her all to yourself" Ben says leaning against the door frame of the kitchen.
"Yes I can she's mine" Jeff states only for Ben to shake his head.
"You know something's gunna happen it always does" Ben sighs.
"Maybe it'll be different" jeffs voice was now full of sadness as old memories of his past relationships ran through his brain.

Meanwhile y/n is in slenders office waiting for the first word to be spoken.
"You understand the consequences of your actions" slenderman finally starts to talk.
"Yes But you understand my reason" y/n looks up with a serious expression.
"You have not yet fully explained" slenderman becomes intrigued with y/n excuse.
"You kept me here not allowing me to go out to kill not giving me missions to carry out, to me keeping the urge to kill inside is not a good thing and you should know that however you still kept me indoors.... it's like locking a mad person in a room with their thoughts it only makes it worse" y/n finishes her explanation looking back down at the floor.
"I see.... maybe a lighter punishment will be best" slenderman begins thinking of punishments that aren't that bad whereas y/n only nods at his statement. "You'll be on babysitting duty all weekend" y/n's head shoots up to look at slender with a puzzled look on her face.
"Babysitting?! Who?" Y/n asked her confusion didn't fail to show on her face.
"Jeff, Ben, dark link and a few others" slenderman states picking up paper off his desk. "They need to stay here due to the festival that's going on and they don't know how to control themselves" slenderman explains. Y/n just answers with a small 'oh'
"You are dismissed... and before you go anywhere else please stop Jeff from trying to kill dark link" with those words from slenderman y/n runs down the stairs to see Jeff on top of dark link trying to strangle him.
"JEFFERY WOODS!" Y/n shouts in a threatening tone, catching jeffs attention. "Let go of him and come here" y/n points in front of her and Jeff does as he is told reluctantly letting go of dark link then walking over to y/n like a child who knows they've done something wrong. "Now tell me why you was doing that" y/n asks in a much calmer tone making Jeff feel less pressured.
"Um.... he was just.... chatting shit" Jeff says as if he was trying to remember. Y/n shakes her head at him before sighing and hugging him.
"Your such a child you know that" she laughs. "Try not to get on slenders bad side" she looks up at Jeff messing with his hair. She then begins walking upstairs but before she reaches the top of the stairs she turns round and looks at Jeff "also you need to keep a proper eye on this knife it's easily stolen" y/n smiles then sticks out her tongue holding the knife in her hand.
"What the... give it back" Jeff says after patting his pockets just to check it's his.
"You want it? Come get it" with that y/n runs off with Jeff chasing after her.

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