Chapter 35: me duh

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Question: on a scale of 1–pineapple how do you rate my book?

Brandon's P.O.V
"You could put it that way" 'Amy' kicked her feet and rolled her eyes.
"How did you know" I couldn't help the blush on my face as I spoke to her.
"When the bomb went off. After your stage of worry you just looked at the blood mesmerised. Plus being a killer you'd think I'd be able to spot one" she smirk triumphantly.
There was silence for a while, I didn't find it that awkward till she began smirking to herself and questions sprung into my head.
"Have you... uh... are you a lone killer or are you part of a group?" I question I saw her tense slightly.
"I guess you could call it a group" she muttered looking up to the ceiling thinking "I use to be alone but I got 'taken in' by the group" she sweat dropped and used air quotations when saying the words 'taken in' this made me chuckle a bit. "What about you?" She giggled back.
"I'm.. in a group" I could lie to her so I put it straight, I was in a group. The second most feared coming under the... What where they called?.... creepypastas. My thought acted quickly as I came up with a lie to make myself look good. "I'm actually part of the creepypastas" I smirked. Her face went plain.
"Oh yeah? Who's the leader?" She asked smirking.
"We don't have one" I continued to lie. She shook her head and let out a sigh.
"Actually you'll find we do have a leader" as her words came out you could tell no lies where being told as I froze.
"I-I don't believe you" I couldn't help stutter of embarrassment.
"The leader is slenderman. I could name some others if you want" she continued to smirk "lying gets you no where" she stood up walking over to me. I refused to move and remained on the bed refusing to break eye contact. She pulled a butterfly knife out her pocket (pic at the top) the blade glistened in the light emitted by the moon almost blinding me, she did a few tricks then put it in her pocket. I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding.
She sat beside me on the bed and crossed her legs looking at me still smirking.
"So what group are you part of?" She lent forward.
"We.. uh.. don't really have a name" I sweatdrop scratching the back of my head. She seems to be thinking for a while.
"Wait the unknowns right? I've heard of em they're the second best" she had a plain expression. She then gave me a stern look "I've got to go. I'll see you at school nightmare bomber" as she was about to jump out the window I grab her wrist pulling her back in.
"Stay a bit longer" I said sterner than I was supposed to. She looked at me and smirked.
"It's not a good idea to fall for me" she spoke calmly looking at my hand on her wrist. "I definitely don't recommend grabbing my wrist while I'm by the window. You've peaked the interest of two of my friends" she glanced out of the window and I followed her eyes to two figures standing across the road both sending glares at me I quickly let go as I see their appearance. One had long black hair a smile curved into his face and was covered in blood his knife shinning under the street lamp. The other was floating his eyes black with red pupils and was leaking blood, he was wearing clothes that resembled links clothes. They weren't human I looked towards 'Amy' as her eyes changed from cat to snake to all the other colours before returning to the original e/c she kept a smirk plastered on her face. I look back under the street lamp to see no one stood there. I look back to 'Amy' to see her head away from the window, I turn to the direction she was going and see the two people in my room one holding his arms out which 'Amy' gladly walked into his embrace. The one wearing the hoodie reminded me of someone. I just couldn't figure it out.
"Don't touch her again" a glitched voice echoed. I looked straight into the eyes of the one that resembled link. "My names Ben drowned and i will will be the one putting your game to an end" Ben smirked at me rustling 'Amy's' hair, which she was wafting his hand away in somewhat quiet protest. "Im jeff the killer, I ain't gunna hesitate cutting you up if you touch her again" jeff snarled. I stood frozen. Jeff? Jeffery? Jeffery woods. I look at him then at y/n. She said they weren't dating.
"Well, Well Jeffery" I smirk at him. His stare turns to a glare. "Thought you wasn't dating her" before jeff could retort 'Amy' spoke.
"Actually Amy and Jeffery aren't dating, but y/n and jeff are dating" she smirked.
"Wait. Who's y/n?" I asked sounding dumb only partially knowing who it could be and hoping it wasn't.
"Me duh"

The winner of the previous question isssssss.... alecejack


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