Chapter 40: dealing with the government

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Question: what country would you move to? And why?

Y/n P.O.V
I knew I was right why are the government trying to get hold of us. A gun shot past and I narrowly dodged it as I watched it go past I noticed the bullet had a type of liquid in it, I could only suggest it was something to make me sleep but I don't plan to take the risk. Wings grow from my back as I go up into the sky. More guns are fired and I dodge them again only getting a small graze. I dive down picking up one of the government members, he screams and shouts as I shoot back up into the air grabbing the gun from his hands and placing it around my shoulder I then take my knife and cut open the bottom of his stomach scattering the mans organs around the opening earning shrieks from some giving their positions away I use the gun to shoot them.

Jeffs P.O.V
They put me I a restraint jacket in a padded room with nothing in it they spoke through some type of speaker giving me small updates on what they was gunna do/ was doing at that moment. Just a few minutes ago they had told me they started their attack towards y/n. I know exactly where the camera is I know exactly where they can see from and hearing them say this shit is making me go more and more insane.
"You can't do shit to me" I laugh " you can't do shit to anyone, we'll wipe out your existence" I continued to laugh. "Capturing her will be your end we won't rest, we. Don't. Sleep. Till your dead" my smile widens.
The intercom turns on with a crackle.
"Want to see her?" It sounded teasing. My heart went higher they couldn't have possibly got her.
One of the sides of the room showed a video or live footage of her in a room pinned to a table but she didn't look scared she was laughing they attempted to cut off her wings so she got rid of them then brought them back out hitting them with it then put them back. I blinked and she was covered in blood, mainly around the mouth and they where all dead. She then looked towards the wall where I was and waved. I then heared her voice it sounded satanic.
"Bitches can't do shit" the projection then vanished and I heard whispers.
"What are we supposed to do....... keep her in a more contained room extra locks, extra security" I laughed until I got a stitch.
"You'll need to do more than that".

It's been hours.
That's what it feels like.
I know I'm crazy.
I killed my fucking family for fuck sake.
What the fuck is a killer like me doing with a girlfriend.
I don't need anyone.
I should be the only killer on top.
I can feel it my mind slipping.
I need to kill something.
I need to feel the satisfaction of bones snapping.
The blade squelching as it rips through the skin into organs.
I need to smell the metallic stench of sweet blood as it pours out.
I need my knife.
I need a weapon.
I want to hear the pleas of someone wanting to live their life.
I NEED to see the life drain out of them ever single second as I carve the smile into their face.
I don't care who.

Y/n P.O.V
It's been a few hours I've been sat in a room it's only slightly padded I managed to rip out of my restraints and I tore half the padding off it's solid brick wall after that and I don't even know what the doors made from. I feel the presence of someone behind the supposedly hidden camera. I've been freaking them out looking into the camera taking on different forms I even drew a summoning circle for a demon sadly they was busy but it still shit up who ever was watching through the camera. I could feel the fear. At many points I'd think about how Jeff was coping. But in the end I know he'll be fine, I mean cmon it's Jeff he's strong minded.... for an insane person.
Now and again I've thought.
I need to kill someone.
I don't give a shit who.
I'm a killer.
We kill for the sure joy and Boredom.
And I'm really, really, really bored.
The first person to walk through that door is gunna get killed.
I'll rip their god damn throat out.
I'll cut their tongue off and scatter their organs.

But I need to keep hold of my sanity. Becausewhat is the next person to come through that door is Jeff I can't be hurting him.
But I want to kill someone.
Holding back is like teaching a lion to be a herbivore.

3rd person P.O.V
Jeff stayed in his room of confinement effortlessly rocking, giggling to himself not moving from his spot. If he had eyelids I would assume him to not blink. He stared straight into the camera as malicious thoughts graced his mind making his chuckles louder. He wasn't thinking right sanity had long left his head packing all its things and leaving no traces. Whereas y/n stood gracefully in her room of confinement sparing with the air, thoughts of murder fuelling her strength, agility and insanity. But traces of sanity still cling on refusing to leave... even with demons wishing them gone.

Government agents sat watching to cameras studying how they where breaking down coming up with schemes and solutions to their problems. Test they can do on them for science and how they can use them for entertainment. Something about the twos insanity had the government confused on how they are still in one piece.
Somethings gunna go wrong at some point. Cmon we are dealing with the government.

The winner of the last question issssssssss.......... BenDrowned221  I know it isn't a food but dang I gotta agree and what a hella good way to present it. I liked everyone else's ideas too it's hard to decide these things.

 I liked everyone else's ideas too it's hard to decide these things

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