Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

“Shut up.’ I grumbled from under my pillow. Beep Beep Beep my alarm continued. Despite my attempt to make my alarm clock stop using the sheer force of my exhaustion, it didn’t stop.  I finally managed to free my arm from the tangle of blankets long enough to slam my hand down on the snooze button. Damn, it was Monday already. I never understood why the weekend flew by so fast. Groggily I threw the covers off myself and dragged myself out of bed. I went to my closet to get my well used uniform. Id worn the skirt for three years, so it was quite short on me and my polo was a long enough anymore. I pulled my hair into the classic messy bun. I looked at the mess in the mirror. It’s a good thing I go to an all-girl school I thought. I slipped my shoes, grabbed my bag and walked down the hall.. I’m not big on breakfast, so I just grabbed a banana and walked out the door.  My morning drive had become pretty routine, but so had my life, just a routine. No action, or adventure, or romance. I parked in my parking place that had been assigned to me. Luckily it isn’t too far from my locker. The morning dragged on, the first few blocks dragging on. Luckily I had a c block lunch, so I could at least see me friends. As I was nearing my lunch table my friends were all in a buzz, which was unusual as no one usually had anything exciting going on.

“What’s going on?” I questioned. I laughed at all the shrill voices being used and the excited expression all my friends had coated on their faces.

 “You didn’t hear?” my friend Miranda practically yelled at me.

“No, hear what?” I questioned wearily.

“Holy crap Emily! Do you live under a rock?” she exaggerated all of her words.

I laughed. “ No I don’t, but I would love to know what’s going on.” I sat forward and placed my hands under my chin and made a face to show how interested I was.

Miranda rolled her eyes. “ well this morning there was this announcement all over like Facebook and twitter and tumblr, ok anyway, it said that One Direction was holding a contest!” her voice went up at the end to show her enthusiasm.

“What kind of contest?” I asked getting more excited

 “The contest says that if a guy or a girl submits a video to them, signing one of their songs, they will judge the videos and pick a winner. The winner gets to perform with them at one of their concerts during their US tour!” Miranda finished looking thrilled.

“Wow!” I exclaimed “too bad you can’t sing.” I smirked.

“No… but you can!” she said raising her eyebrows. All of my friends turned to look at me with eager eyes. I blushed and shouted “no way in hell.”

“Why not?” Miranda pouted

“You know perfectly well that I can’t sing in front of others.” It was true. I had terrible stage fright. I barley was able to sing in front of her. The only way you would hear me sing is if you caught me off guard and I was singing in the car or to myself.

“It wouldn’t hurt to submit a video. No one would be there to hear you, unless you wanted me to help.” She looked up and grinned.

“I would feel so stupid singing to a camera.” I said looking down.

“But-" Miranda started

“No I’m not doing it! Just stop.” I shot out.

The rest of lunch was kind of awkward. We all sat in silence and picked at our food. I had had enough of the uncomfortable silence so I got up and left.

Miranda shot up the second I left the table. She ran over to me and started walking with me.

“Why won’t you just consider doing it?” She started.

“I-I don’t know. It’s pointless, I wouldn’t win anyway. They always pick the randomest people.”  I sighed.

She stopped me and grabbed my shoulders shaking me a little “Emily, do you know what a good singer you are?” she asked me.

“I’m okay…” I trailed off not wanting to admit to my talent.

“Were doing it.” She said firmly “I’m going to help you film it and upload it and it will turn out great because you will win. I can feel it.”

I laughed at the authority she was using. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try” I said knowing I would regret it.

“Yay!” she yelled and hugged me. “We can start after school.

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