Chapter 27

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I flet dizzy as I stood at the entrance to the stage. The roar of the audience faded in and out behind my racing thoughts. I couldn't stop picturing the two of them together. I walked over and leaned up agaisnt the wall to balance myslef. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, not because of the nerves, but because of betrayl. I let out a shakey breathe as I watched the various members of the crew rush around me. NaNaNa had just ended and the boys were starting I Wish. Even with all of the people around me, I felt alone standing there. All of my support had flown out the window the second I saw Chloe press her lips to Harry's. The crowd suddenly started up again. My head snapped up listening for the next song. The band started playing Stand up sending my heart into a beating frenzy. After this I would be dragged on stage to face everyone. To pretend I was perfectly fine when really I was dieing inside.

I swalloed thickly " I need Miranda." I called out.

A lady next to me nodded and ran off to get her. She came back within the next second dragging Miranda behind her. Miranda's grin faded the second she saw my face. I pulled her off to the side.

" I dont have much time. " I whispered.

" whats going on Em?" she asked looking concerned.

I felt the tears begin to form " I saw H-Harry kissing Chloe." I chocked out.

Her eyes became wide " What?" she hissed.

I nodded vigorusly " He doesnt know I saw." I whispered wiping at my eyes.

She nodded understanding my problem " look." she said taking me by the shoulders " you let me take care of that bitch. You go out there and do your thing." she said trying to smile.

I laughed " dont kill her okay?" I said weakily.

Her jaw clenched " I cant promise that." She said pulling me into a hug. I was being grapped by the arm. " Your due to go on any second." A man said.

Miranda smiled at me one last time and was rushed away. I took a deep breath hearing Stand Up end. You can do this I told myself.

"We'd like to welcome a special person to the stage." I heard Louis say suddenly.

"She won our contest a few month's back and she is here to preform with us tonight." Liam called out. The crowd cheered loudily. "She means a lot to us, so treat her kindly." I heard Harry say trying to talk over the screams. Hearing Harry speak made my stomach clench again. I held it trying to make it stop. Happy face I told myself plastering on a smile.

"Please welcome Emily!" Niall yelled. That was my que. I forced my legs to work and began walking out onto the stage. The bright streams of light hit me first causing me to blink rapidly. I forced myself not to look away and kept smiling. The screams faded out as I looked onto the sea of people totally stunned. I reached were the boys were standing and let out a shakey breathe. I giggled as I looked out onto the many posters and various screaming girls. For the moment I had forgotten all about Chloe and Harry. All I could focus on were the thousands of people.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist " Doesnt she look lovely tonight?" He called out sending the audience into another screaming frenzy. I was brought back to reality. My heart ached as I looked at his arm touching my skin. I wanted to scream at him and hit him a few thousands of times. I wanted to rip myself away from him and refuse to let him come near me ever again, but I refrianed. Not only would the video of me screaming at Harry go viral on Twitter, but also wouldnt go over well with the press. Id become known as that crazy concert girl who brutily beat Harry on stage within seconds. I forced myself to speak " Well thank you Harry, youre not looking bad yourslef. I mean come on girls it should be illegal to be that good looking." I laughed as the fans went insane in agreement. I moved away from Harry not wanting to force myself to be happy. At least around the others I didnt have to pretend. I walked over to Louis and bumped into him. He shot me a fake hurt look and smiled. " Will you sing with us tonight Love?" Louis asked. " Of course I will." I answerd smiling. "We wouldnt be asking if we didnt think you had that One Thing." Niall said a little over dramaticly. The girls went crazy taking the hint. I giggled at Niall's terrible pun as the band started to play.

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