Chapter 14

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The next morning I woke up before Miranda. I decided to let her sleep seeing as he had a busy night last night. I got up and went to the rehearsal room. Ray had decided to make rehearsal times earlier so that we could have the rest of the day to ourselves. After about an hour ray said “ Good rehearsal guys. We’re cutting it short today.”

Harry came over and whispered for me to come with him so I followed him down the hall. “You might want to go wake mir up.” I called to Liam before I left. He blushed and nodded.

When we got into Harrys room he shut the door and beamed at me.

“Why so happy Harry?” I said smiling back at him. He came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He looked down at me and said “ I just like being with you.” He walked up backward so we collapsed on the bed. He then rolled us over so I was lying on top of him. “Can I talk to you?” I said sitting up. I rested my head in my hands so I could look at him.

“Sure.” He said brushing some hair from my face.

“Why haven’t we gone on a date yet?” I asked.

He pulled his eyebrows together “ Love you know why. Because we cant let this get out to the public. And I don’t want you to be harassed by our fans.”

“why cant we let it get out?” I said getting a little angry “ Liam has no problem letting everyone know hes with Miranda. Are you embarrassed by me or something? Am I not good enough for you Harry? And im not a 5 year old I can take care of the fans! A few mean words isn’t going to make me like you less!” by this time I was on my feet and yelling while he sat and stared at me on the bed. “Say something Dammit!” I yelled at him. This pushed him over the edge and he was in my face yelling at the same volume.

 “ Im doing this for you! If this was up to me, we would be out all the time but we cant do that because of one the fans, two the press, and three management!” Harry was scary when he got upset. Not only did he loom over me but he was very loud. I gulped and tried to gain some more courage to yell back at him.

“Screw all of that! If you really like me you wouldn’t give a damn!”

“Im doing this for you!” He yelled again.

“That a fucking lie!” I yelled at him. I knew he hated it when I swore so this must have driven him insane.

“God dammit! He yelled. He turned and hit the wall breaking the plaster.

I stood trembling suddenly frightened by him.  I was trying to hold back tears but it was no use. I furiously wiped at my eyes not wanting to let him see me cry.

He was turned around facing the wall with his hands on his head. He was breathing heavily. When he faced me his face softened seeing how frightened I was. He to walk towards me but I backed up. He stopped, a horrified expression spreading across his face. He took another step forward trying to take me into his arms “Love, I-“

“Don’t.” I said pushing him off of me. I pushed past him and ran down the hall to my room. I slammed the door shut causing a picture on the wall to shatter on the ground. I threw myself onto my bed sobbing. I hated fighting with Harry. After what felt like a decade of crying ,there was a knock on my door. It was no other than Louis trying to smooth things over.

“Em?” he aksed in a quite voice.

“What do you want?”  I aksed sitting up.

“Harry is in his room and wont come out. He is really upset. What happened?”

“Why do you think it had to do with me?” I said not averting my eyes.

Louis chuckled “ because he only ever gets this worked up about you.”

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