Chapter 31

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Its dark and I cant move. I dont know where I am and Im scared. I cant remember anything. Im laying on the ground trying to get my limbs to work but they refuse. Panick starts to take over me as I try to helplessly move my arms and legs. Open your eyes dammit I scream at myself, but they dont open. I try to open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. My lips feel like they weigh a thousand pounds as I try to move them.

My head feels hot and sticky and my hair is sticking to my face. I then get the abillity to move my arms again and slowly raise my hand up to my head. My eyes snap open as I realize whats happening. I bring my hand back to eye level to see it coated in blood. Im bleeding to death. I open my mouth to scream but only a hoarse whisper comes out. I use all of the energy I have left to scream out Help. My voices echoes through the strange place. No body comes. My heart speeds up as I realize im close to the end. im completely helpless and theres noone around to help me.

I drag my eyes searching for anyone. I gasp! At last a figure walking towards me. As they get closer a sense of panick washes over me. Im suddenly scared. I know this person isnt going to help me. I try to tell the figure to stay away from me but they dont stop walking. I feel the tears running down my face as I lay there waiting for whatever is going to happen. Finally A mans face appears over mine. Their blue eyes glare harshly at me.

The man raises his foot up getting ready to send it down into my stomach. I open my mouth with one last attempt to stop him. " Harry!" I scream repeatedly. The man stares down laughing at me as Harry doesnt come to save me. "Harry!" I countinue to scream.


"Emily!" I can hear Harry yelling shaking me from my nightmare.

I opened my eyes blinking a few times trying to clear away the tears. My eyes first landed on Harry standing over me. He looked exhausted as he looked at me with worry. I blinked a few more times trying to figure out where I was. I couldnt remember what had happened. I drug my eyes away from him to examine the room. There was a small couch in the corner with multiple balnkets and pillows on them. Next I looked over to the window sill where balloons and gift baskets and cards where kept. Get Well Soon most read.

Get well soon? I thought to myself. I then looked back to Harry who was looking at me with complete worry. He stared intently at me waiting for me to speak. I wasnt quite ready yet, I had to figure out where I was. I looked down at myself. My eyes widened seeing the hospital gown, and the IV stuck in my arm. I looked back to Harry in panick. I then raised my hand up to my head shakily. I gasped feeling the stiches. It then all came back to me. Dancing with Jake, kissing him, being thrown into the stall, slamming my head agaisnt the tile, Harry saving me.

"What happened?" I croaked out. My hand shot to my throat feeling how dry and soar it was. Harry immediatly handed me a glass of water. I accepted is graciously and gluped it down. Harry sat back down in the chair next to my bed. I realized his hand had never left mine sense I woke up. Harry slouched back taking a deep breathe.

"You sacred me." He said letting out a shaky breath.

I stared at him taking another big gulp. " how come?" I asked innocenlty.

"Well, first of all you havent woken up sense you blacked out at the club." He said borring his eyes into mine.

" how long has that been?" I asked a little afraid to hear the anwser.

"About two days." He said firmly. He kept his face emotionless as he stared at me. The room fell quite as I took this information in. Had I really been out for that long?

"And second, I was sitting here and all of a sudden you started to move. I got excited obviously and waited for you to wake, but then you stared to cry. You were screaming out my name. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldnt." He said. His voice craked at the end. I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

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