Chapter 12

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I awoke the next morning to my friend softly snoring. I rolled over to glance at the clock. 9:45 it read. It was definitely time to get up; I’d have to be going to rehearsal soon anyway. I poked Miranda’s face. She didn’t flinch so I poked her again. She still didn’t move. I picked up my pillow and raised it above my head. I sent it down with full force onto her face. She jumped and opened her eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” She screamed at me.

“Good morning sunshine.” I said stretching. She started to punch my side repeatedly until I buckled and landed back on my pillow. She glared at me from across the bed. I smiled “ oh yeah that’s right. What going on with you and Liam?” I raised my eyebrow. I had forgotten about it last night, but know was the perfect time to interrogate her. She blushed and threw her pillow over her head.  He giggled and threw some kicks into the air. I laughed at her giddiness. When she took the pillow off her face she was beaming. “You really like him don’t you?” I said poking her side. She laughed and nodded. I wish I could tell her I thought.

She saw the look that had crossed my face. Her eyebrows knitted together. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I tried to avoid eye contact while I responded “Nothing.” My voice slightly rose at the end giving me away.

“Something’s wrong. Tell me!” She said putting on her puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing’s wrong I promise.” I smiled reassuringly at her and threw the covers off of us. “So today I have to go to rehearsal for a bit in the morning, and then we can just chill at home for a bit. Lately it’s been kind of crazy going out with all the obsessive fans and all.” I knew she’d be okay with it if she got to be around Liam.

We both got dressed and walked down the hall to get breakfast. The cooks had made a special breakfast for Miranda’s arrival. Usually they would only make dinner, but it looks like they had taken a liking to her. Liam, Niall and Louis were already shoving fork fulls of egg into their mouths. Liam stopped mid bite to watch Miranda cross the room. I laughed at his mouth gaped open as I put small portions onto my plate. Miranda was oblivious to his stare and continued making herself a plate. I turned around soon enough to see Louis slap Liam with a piece of toast. Liam quickly snapped back to reality and punched him in the arm. He scowled as he looked down. I sat down across from Niall.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked him.

“He went home for a few days.” He said looking down.

“What? Why?” I asked suddenly becoming alarmed.

“His sister is having some kind of important recital and he felt like he had to be there.” Liam said looking up at me.

“What a good brother!” I heard Miranda say behind me. She sat down across from Liam. They were just so cute the way they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other. I picked up some eggs on my fork and put it in my mouth. I made a face. They needed salt. “Can you pass me the salt?” I asked. Miranda and Liam both reached for it at the same times. They stopped just as their hands made contact and glanced up at each other. Just as fast as they had touched, they were both yanking their arms back both blushing. They knocked the salt down in the process. I watched them both as they awkwardly went to clean up while simultaneously saying “ oh sorry! No I’m sorry! No, it’s not your fault really.  But I should have let you grabbed it! No it’s really not your fault.” When they had finally managed to clean up the salt and calm themselves down I said “ still waiting here guys.” Louis picked up the salt and handed it to me not wanting the same episode to repeat itself. After we had finished eating Louis nudged me and said “Why don’t you go wake up Harry and tell him to get to rehearsal.” I nodded not wanting to seem overly excited. I got up and walked down the hall to Harry’s room. 

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