chapter 21

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It was finally the weekend. Harry and I would be leaving in a couple of days for LA. I had to admit I was pretty excited to see the other guys. I rolled over to see Harry still sound asleep. Maybe I shouldn’t wake him I thought smiling to myself. I pulled the covers off myself as quietly as I could and tip toed out of bed. Liam was finally off the couch and into the guest bedroom so I didn’t have to worry about being quite in the living room. I walked down the hall to the kitchen. My stomach grumbled as I opened the refrigerator. What to eat.. I thought grazing through. I had been robbed of all my food sense Liam and Harry came to stay with me. Its apparently what they did all day when I was gone. Maybe ill make something! I thought. I wasn’t a cook. I could barely make eggs without burning them. French toast could be easy I thought. Do I know how to make that? I googled it. Eggs, milk, cinnamon.. I thought scrolling through the wikihow. “ Looks easy enough.” I said aloud. I got all the ingredients out and began throwing things together. I had it in the pan when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist.

“What are you making?” Harry asked sleepily resting his head on my shoulder.

“French toast!” I announced proudly. “ Now get out of here before you mess me up!” I said flipping the bread over.

Harry reluctantly let go. He leaned up against the counter watching me. He smirked “you’re going to make a great wife someday.” He said.

I blushed. He always made little comments about the future like that. I’m not sure why but they always made my stomach do a flip. I think he does it because he knows it makes me uneasy. “ oh yeah?” I asked back focusing on the toast. I changed the subject “Grab the syrup will you?” I asked Harry.

Harry shuffled over to the cabinet and grabbed it setting it on the table. It was nice to have someone tall to get things. I was so use to having to stand one chair to reach stuff in the top cabinet.  Harry grabbed a plate and waited for me to slip a piece on. He walked over to the table and began eating.

“ Is it good?” I asked over my shoulder.

Harry groaned in return which I took as a yes. I smiled please with myself. Liam then entered the kitchen. “ I smell food.” He said sitting down next to Harry. I rolled my eyes. “You’re like a dog.” I laughed. I grabbed him a plate and served him up. I then made myself a plate and sat down next to them.

“So what are we doing-“Harry began. He was cut of by his cell phone. He reached into his pocket and looked at the screen. He made a face and set the phone down. “So what are we doing today?” he asked smiling.

“You’re not going to get that?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

“Ill let it go to voicemail.” He said shrugging taking another big bite of his breakfast.

“Id like to go to that big mall today. Maybe Miranda would want to-“Liam said getting cut off by his phone.

Liam fished into his pocket grabbing his phone. He too made a face when he saw the caller. He held it out for Harry to see. “ Did you get the same call?” He asked.

Harry nodded chewing. Liam set the phone down ignoring the call as well.

I looked between the two confused. Who was it? And why are they not answering it? Liam continued with his idea raddling on about getting Miranda. Finally my phone started to buzz on the table. Liam and Harry both looked at it stopping there conversation. I reached for it answering. “ hello?” I asked slowly.

“would you tell Harry and Liam to not ignore me!” Ray yelled over the phone. “ I know they saw I called. I know they’re there!”

I made a face at Harry sitting back “Yeah they got the call.” I said.

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