Chapter 5

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I hadn’t realized that I hadn’t left my room sense meeting Harry until there was a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said starring out my window.

 Niall poked his head in and said “Dinner is ready if you’re going to eat with us. Are you okay? I haven’t seen you all day.” His faced looked concerned.

 Louis spoke up from behind him “she’s just fantasizing about Harry’s wet body.” He laughed as he shoved the door open so he could stand in the door way. I shot him a look.

“What are you talking about?” Niall asked with a shocked look now plastered on his face. He looked from me to Louis.

“Harry decided to run around the house in a towel today, and Emily ran into him.” He smiled at me. “Dreamy isn’t he?”

 Niall didn’t look too happy about this.

“Thank you for telling me dinner is ready Niall.” I gave him a sweet smile and got up. I purposely slammed into Louis on my way out. I do not like being made fun of. If only I could navigate around the house by myself, my storm off would have been more affective. I ended up standing 5 feet away from my door looking confused. Louis rolled his eyes and pushed of the door frame. As he walked pass me, he grabbed my shirt and dragged me behind him.

“I’m not a dog.” I grumbled.

“That’s debatable.” He answered not turning around.

I kicked him in the bag of his leg which caused him to stumble. I laughed at my achievement.

“I’ll leave you here.” He snapped at me.

Knowing I wouldn’t be able to find my way to dinner I apologized.

When we finally reached the kitchen, Harry and Zayn were already in there.

Zayn didn’t really pay any attention to me. Harry on the other hand paid too much attention to me.

All during dinner he was staring at me. Even when he was talking to someone else. I could feel him undressing me with his eyes, and apparently everyone else could to.

“Why don’t you just bang her here on the table Harry?” Louis said.

I felt the blush creep onto my face. I looked down to try to avoid eye contact. Harry ripped his eyes from me to address Louis.

“Louis you know you’re the only one for me. To prove it you can even sleep in my room with me tonight.” He gave him a sweet smile.

“But you’d keep me up all night.” Louis said pretending to pout.

Harry put on a pretend embarrassed face and said “Not in front of the children you naughty thing.”   He shooed him away with his hand.

I know I had a horrified look on my face based on the way Harry smirked at me.

Liam finally said “you two are vile. Poor Emily probably thinks you two idiots are serious?”

“Liam!’ Louis screeched hitting the hand that held Liam’s fork in it causing him to drop the bit of food he was about to put into his mouth “you take that back.”

Liam just glared at him.

Harry then turned his attention back to me ‘You know Louis ‘idea wasn’t bad. If I had it my way, I would have you nak-“

I cut him off by throwing my glass of water in his face. “Asshole” I murmured. I abruptly stood up and left the table. As I left I could hear was a chorus of laughter.

 I ran to my room. Why was he being such a jerk I thought?

I threw myself down on my bed. Shortly after there was a knock on the door.

“Go away” I yelled.

I saw curls peeking through the door way. He poked his head in “Emily can I talk to you?”

“Harry I really don’t want to talk to you.”

He let himself in anyway. He came and stood at the edge of my bed. I refused to look at him and kept my head hidden in my pillow.

“Will you please look at me?” he asked

I didn’t move so he continued on. ‘Look back there I was just teasing you. I know I was being a jerk but- ‘he stopped shaking his head “anyway I’m really sorry. Do you think we could start over? “

I sneaked a look at him. He didn’t look like he did earlier. He looked softer kinder. I wanted to lean up and stroke his cheek or even… no I can’t go there I thought.

I sat up. He smiled his dazzling smile and held his hand out. “Hello I’m harry.”

I couldn’t help but smile back at him. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him. He was shocked for a second but then wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m really am sorry.” He whispered into my hair

“It’s okay.” I said leaning on his shoulder.

Suddenly someone walked through the door causing both harry and I to break apart in embarrassment.

“did ya make up?” Louis asked grinning cheekily.

“Both of you need to leave.” I said ushering them out the door.

While I was closing the door I heard Louis say “so harry your room tonight?”

I just shook my head. I slid down the door to a crouch. I put my head in my lap. This was going to be interesting experience.

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