Chapter 25

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“Harry did you fall on your head as a child?” I asked examining myself in the mirror. The boys had decided to treat us to a shopping trip sense the music awards were tomorrow night. Harry told me he’d take care of finding me a dress, but I was apprehensive. Now I know why. The dress he’d chosen was pretty, but maybe a little short? I pulled at the bottom trying to make it longer. I turned to examine myself in the mirror. The top was nice, it was fitted perfectly. Why am I so damn self-conciseness I thought yanking at the dress again.

“Do you not like it?” Harry asked leaning against the door.

 I paused not wanting to hurt his feelings “ No! I like it… it’s just that its.. uhh..” I searched for the right words.

“Em just come out and show us!” Miranda called kicking the door.

“Absolutely not.” I said sitting down.

“You cannot look that bad love.” Louis called trying to cheer me up. Eleanor had already picked a dress, so had Chloe and Miranda. I was the only one taking a long time. I could hear everyone becoming restless.

“Okay I’m coming in.” harry said jiggling the door handle.

“It’s locked, you can’t get in.” I said smugly crossing my arms. 

Harry ducked under the door and crawled under. I flew to my feet when he got in. He stood up and brushed himself off. He looked pretty pleased with himself. I stood in front of him trying to stand up straight. He dragged his eyes over me from head to foot.  “I think you look hot.” Harry said finally. I sighed and sat back down still unsure. He came over to me and pulled me back to my feet.

“face the mirror.” He said putting his arms around my waist. I reluctantly turned and looked at my reflection.

Harry rested his head on my shoulder “Okay, I’m not sure what you see” he began “but I see one hell of a girl. Pretty face, nice eyes, silky hair, wonderfully curvy body, and a good rack.” He said winking at me. 

I sighed and smiled turning around to face him. “Are you sure this is the right dress?” I asked looping my arms around his neck. He smiled down at me and met my eyes. “ I’m positive. There’s nothing else I’d rather have my girlfriend wearing when we finally announce our relationship.” He said smiling.

I gasped “we’re finally telling the press?” I asked.

Harry shrugged “I’m sure they already know, but making it official is nice.” He said chuckling. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me slowly not wanting to ruin the moment with an intense kiss.

“What are you two doing in there?” Liam called banging on the door.

Harry broke us apart laughing. “They are relentless.” He said. He then straightened up and smiled at me.

“Get changed and well go.” He said leaving the changing room.

I took one more look at myself in the mirror and then pulled the dress over my head. Miranda came and stood in the door frame “you’re showing me that dress later.” She said smiling.

It was finally the night of the MTV music awards. Miranda and the boys stylist, Ashley, had shooed harry out of the room so I could get ready. I was feeling better about the dress harry had chosen. I had tried it on periodically throughout the week putting on mini fashion shows around the house. I sat at the mirror with Ashley playing with my hair.

“I’m thinking we keep your hair down, wave it, and then pull your bangs back in a braid.” She said really talking to herself more than me. I smiled weakly at her not wanting to get in the way of her plotting. She smiled at me placing her hands on my shoulders. She squeezed them reassuringly “You’re going to look beautiful!” she said giddily. 

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