Chapter 9

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The rest of the week I tried to act as normal as I could. It was hard to be around Harry all the time and act like everything was great when it wasn’t. Things were getting pretty intense with rehearsals and I was starting to get overwhelmed. What I really needed with me was a friend.  I hadn’t told Miranda about what happened with Harry and me because I didn’t want here to freak out, but now that Harry and I are both trying to act that there is nothing between us, I need some girl time or I’m going to fall apart. Guys are great and all but they aren’t the same. On Friday morning I decided I would ask if Miranda could come and stay with us for a little bit. I walked down the hall to Liam’s room.

“Come in.” He called when I knocked. I had actually become pretty good friends with Liam. It was true what they said about him. He was like a dad; he was there whenever you needed to talk about something serious.

“What are you up to?” I asked sitting on the edge on his bed.

“Im on twitter.” He answered swiveling around.

I laughed “You guys are always on there.”

“It’s important to answer them; otherwise the fans will think we are ignoring them.”

“whatever you say.” I said grinning at him. “So anyway, I was wondering if I could invite a friend to come and stay with me for a bit? I know I’m here as a guest but I just really need to talk to her about some stuff I mean with stuff that happening between me and Harry I just.” I trailed off at the end.

“What is going on between you and Harry?” Liam asked raising  his eyebrow at me.

“That’s not that point!” I said standing up.

“Yeah its fine by me, but I think you should ask the others as well, not that I think they’ll mind having another girl around.” He smiled at me and turned back around.

“ Thanks Liam.” I said walking out.

Zayn and Niall were in the living room when I approached them.

“ Hey guys.” I said sitting in a chair next to them. They were playing some kind of x box game.

“ Hey Em what’s up?” Niall asked me without removing his eyes from the screen. Luckily he had gotten over walking in on us. Personally I think he was being overly dramatic about it. Things could have been worse if he’d walked in maybe 2 minutes later.

“So I was wondering if It was cool if I had a friend stay with me for a while? Liam said I should ask all of you.”

“Yeah its fine by me.” Zayn said pushing Niall over.

“Yeah, me too.” Niall said shoving Zayns controller out of his hands.

“Great thanks guys!”

Now it was time to go find Louis who I assumed was with Harry. They weren’t in Harry’s room so I tried Louis’.

“Uh hey guys.” I said walking in.

They both looked up at me. Louis looked over to see Harry’s face.

“So I was wondering if you guys would mind if I had a friend stay with me.”

“ no I don’t care.” Harry said without looking at me. Louis just shrugged “Yeah I don’t care either.”

“ Great thanks guys.” I said leaving.

I walked back down to my room. Why had harry kissed me and then said it was nothing? Was it really nothing? It didn’t seem like nothing.

Liam caught me before I slipped into my room. “oh Emily, do you think you could have your friend come the week after next? We are really busy next week with interviews and stuff.”

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