Chapter 23

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“Everyone needs to get up now.” Ray said through a bull horn. I groaned. This was the second time in a row Ray was waking us up in a loud fashion. “If you do not get up now, I will have Paul come into your rooms and carry you out.” Ray said calmly passing through the hallways.  I turned over to see Harry staring at me.

“I’m going to kill him.” I growled. He laughed and twisted a piece of my hair through his fingers. I lay admiring his eyes. They made my stomach do a flip whenever I really looked at them. They made me want to laugh and cry all at the same time, like I was so happy to have him, but terrified he would be taken away from me. He smiled at me “what are you looking at?” he said with his rough morning voice. I giggled “ just you and your amazing eyes.”

He smiled and rolled his eyes “Why do you always say things like that to me?”

“It’s hard not to when I have such a hot boyfriend.”  I said smiling.

He then jumped on top of me. I screamed as he tickled my sides. He threw the covers over our heads. I looked up at him giggling. His hair was smashed under the white sheets and he was beaming widely. He then shot down and started biting my neck playfully. I squirmed and tried to push him off of me as I laughed hysterically.  “Harry stop it!” I squealed. We were interrupted as the sheet was thrown off of us. Harry froze with his mouth on my neck. I glanced over to see all five guys and Paul starring at us. I giggled and cleared my throat “ uh.. hey guys.” I said casually. Harry still hadn’t moved.

“meet in the rehearsal room in 5.” Paul said shaking his head. He left the room leaving the guys to stare at us.

Louis was the first to talk “I thought someone was being killed in here with all the shrieking.” He said chuckling. Harry laughed and finally rolled off of me. I sat up rubbing my now sore neck.

“You guys are so strange.” Liam said walking out of our room.

“You did come into our room!” I called after him.

I shuffled everyone out so we could get dressed.  Harry didn’t have a problem stripping down in front of everyone but I did. I pulled on an old t shirt and jean shorts and pulled my hair up. It was going to be a long day of rehearsal. I jumped onto Harry’s back as we exited the room and he carried me to the rehearsal room. The guys were sitting on the couch waiting for us. Harry tossed me onto all of them, and then sat down next to Louis.

“All right, let’s start with what makes you beautiful, have Emily come in for one thing, then stand up, do up all night, and finish more than this. Then well go to moments again with Emily.” Ray said “Also Harry, Emily, have you thought of a song you’d like to do?” 

“I had an idea.” Harry said clearing his throat. “I’m not sure what its actually called but it goes like” he cleared his throat again and sang “I don’t mind spending every day, out on your corner in the pouring rain.”

I smiled recognizing the song and joined “look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile.”

We harmonized on the last part “And she will be loved, she will be loved.”

Ray smiled “perfect choice.” He said nodding. The others agreed as well.

“Alright so we will start rehearsing that today. Now let’s get going so this doesn’t last us all day.”

I stayed on the couch and the boys got up. The band members got to their instruments and tuned getting ready. The boys jumped up and down trying to psych themselves. They went through a bit of a warm up, although I don’t think it was an official one. They stared what makes you beautiful, and they sounded great. They really had fun when they were preforming. The good thing was they weren’t too rehearsed with their dancing or stage performance. They honestly did whatever came into their heads at the moment. Zayn tried messing up harry when it came time for his solo. The other boys all tried to time their hip thrusting so it was in sync. It was really entertaining watching them. Ray looked pleased when they finished “alright just one thing, Louis you’re a bit behind when you all walk to the front in the beginning so just try to stay with the beat.” Louis gave him thumbs up and smiled. They blew through stand up pretty quick. During the song Harry and Louis dropped to the ground to do an abs circuit.  They were then yelled at by Ray and told to stop messing around. Ray put his hands to his head massaging his temples.

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