Chapter 18

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Bzzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz.bzzzzzzz.

I lifted my head of Harry’s chest sleepily. What the hell is that? I thought. Harry didn’t seem at all disturbed by the noise. My eyes adjusted as I saw my phone lighting up on the night stand. I grabbed it and groggily slip the unlock button. I held the phone up to my ear and whispered “ hello?”

“Where are you?” I heard Miranda shriek from the other end.

“what do you mean?” I answered slowly trying to adjust to her shrill voice.

“Its 10 o clock love muffin. You know c block. School?” she answered sounding exasperated.

“Shit.” I said and let my head fall against Harry’s chest. “ I forgot to set my alarm. Okay I’ll be there.” I said hanging up.

I tried to move off of Harry as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake him up. I picked up my uniform which was strewn across the room and pulled it on. I then quickly brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair. My eyes then went to my neck where I was now sporting a hickey. Great I thought flatly.I dabbed some concealer on it trying to hide it the best I could. I walked over to Harry and ran my fingers through his hair. He groaned a little and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me while his eyes adjusted. He blinked a few times and then said “ You look hot. Is this a dream… where you’re in a school girl uniform?” he asked sleepily.

“I’m a little disturbed that this is something you dream about.” I said laughing. I lent down and kissed his forehead. “ I’m going to school I’ll be back later.”

“Yup.” He said turning over and settling back in.

I rolled my eyes and smiled down at him. I grabbed my keys off the kitchen table and ran out the front door.

Unfortunately when I got to school I had to deal with the front office. They didn’t particularly like my I over slept excuse for being late. I did however make it in just enough time to see Miranda in the last few minutes of our lunch block.

I hurried into the cafetira and through my stuff down. “ Well hello sleeping beauty.” Miranda said greeting me.

I smiled and stole a few of her apple slices. Just as I was about to take a bite I over heard a couple of girls converstaions at the table over.

“did you hear?  Harry Styles left England yesterday.” One girl said with wide eyes.

“How come?” the other responded looking eager.

“I  heard that he is in LA again!” another girl shrieked.                                                    

I smirked to myself. Wrong. Hes probably still sound asleep in my bed. I thought smugly.

“oh my god I could die. Hes only 7 hours away!” the second girl responded.

Hes a lot closer than that sweetheart. I said biting down into my apple.

“ I heard he flew out here to talk to some producer about a solo job.” The first girl stated.

“ Really? I don’t think hed do that.” The third girl said looking worried.

That right he wouldn’t! you tell them girl! I thought.

“I heard he’s out here visiting someone.” The second girl said looking pissed off.

“ I could kill that girl.” The first girl said.

I laughed out loud when I heard this. Miranda turned and looked at me like I was crazy.

“You feeling okay Em?” Miranda said slowly.

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