chapter 16

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It was officially my first day back at school. I unwillingly pulled myself out of my bed. I had spent the whole night in my room. My mom who thought I’d be as happy as ever didn’t understand why I was so upset. I did however take a couple minutes to unload my whole saga onto her when I stepped through the door. I pulled on my overly familiar uniform. I did take some time to do my hair and put on my makeup. I knew when I got back id be stormed and I’d rather not look like I just woke up when that happened. It was only the first day and I already missed Harry like crazy. I tried to pull past my emotions and put on a happy face. I would have to deal with questions all day and it would be better if I wasn’t a total bitch.

I grabbed my keys and walked down the hall to my kitchen. Even thought I was forced to go home, it was nice to be back.  I think I did pick up a bit of an accent being with them for so long. Not that anyone else could tell but me because it was mainly in my head.  I got in my car and drove my usual route to school. When I pulled into my parking space I was greeted with some unusual behavior. Everyone stared as I got out. That was my one thing, I hated being stared at. I glanced nervously at each of them. I fidgeted and pulled on my skirt. I wasn’t used to this much attention. “Welcome back!” One girl called a bit too enthusiastically from her car. “thanks.” I said trying to smile even thought I had never spoken to that girl before ever. As I walked to my locker I could feel the eyes on me. Girls put on huge smiles as I looked at them, some even waved. When I got to my locker I started putting my books into my backpack. Three girls watched me as I did so and were staring at me ,trying to approach. They kept pushing one girl trying to get her to come over but she giggled and held herself back. I stopped packing at them and bluntly stood and stared at them. “ Can I help you?” I said trying not to sound so annoyed. The girl, who was obviously an underclassman, stopped giggling. Her eyes went wide. Her friends pushed her towards me. She stood in front of me blushing while she looked at her feet. I raised my eyebrow at her waiting for her to speak.

“you’re the one who stayed with One Direction.. right?” she said looking up but not meeting my eyes.

“Yep.” I said smiling.

“That’s so cool!” she practically yelled. “ I saw you in the magazines and news with Harry! I bet hes such a great guy you’re totally lucky to have gotten to meet them.” She beamed.

My smile faded at her mention of Harry. I missed that boy so much. “Yeah it was pretty cool. The paparazzi is crazy. No matter what you do they don’t give up.” I said chuckling a bit. The girl continued to babble a bit more.  I smiled and nodded politely despite my want for her to leave. Her and her friends waved goodbye as they left. I let out a large sigh. I sure as hell hope my whole day isn’t like this. I thought slamming my locker shut.

My day was infact just like that though. I got bombarded with questions wherever I went. I honestly didn’t really mind the questions, it was actually funny how excited people got, it was the staring that bothered me. That and the overly friendly smiles I would get from girls id never met before.

I met up with Miranda for lunch. She sat surrounded by people getting the same treatment I was seeing as she was Liam’s girl now. I knew she was sad about leaving him for so long. I watched as she tried to keep a nice face as the questions came one after the other. I walked over and let my bag crash to the ground. Some girls stopped and looked up at me. The girl next to Miranda hopped up when she saw me.

“Here you sit here!” she said beaming trying to shuffle her stuff out of the way.

“uh.. no that okay I can just sit here.” I said pulling out the empty seat.

“ No really! Sit here.” She said beaming at me.

I decided arguing with her wouldn’t get me anywhere and graciously sat down next to Miranda.

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