chapter 32

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1 Month Later

“30 Minutes Until Show Time!” Ray called to me as he peaked his head in through my dressing room door.

“Alright, I’ll be ready.” I said smiling at him. Ashley put the last touches on my hair and spun me around to face her.

“Knock em dead tonight, I know you will.” She said before slipping out the door. I turned back around to face the mirror. I looked at myself and laughed. I cannot believe I am about to go onstage in front of thousands of people, And to open up for the guys none the less. This was the first of many times I was going to open for them, and needless to say I was worried.  Don’t freak out I told myself repeatedly trying to remember to breath.

I looked at the scar on my head. Ashley had done a pretty good job of hiding it. I ran my fingers across the bunched skin remembering that night. I shuttered remembering the look on Harry’s face when he saw I was bleeding that night.

“Are you okay, Is your head hurting?” A frantic voice asked from behind me. I spun around to face Harry.  My stomach got butterflies looking at him. He was all dressed in his concert attire, and looked amazing. Ever sense we made up, I’ve had a hard time keeping my hands off of him. Harry on the other hand has had a hard time not worrying about me. Ever sense I was realized from the hospital he hasn’t left my side. Always making sure I took the right medication, and got enough sleep. 

I giggled at his panicked expression. “Harry I’m fine, I promise.”

Harry looked at me skeptically “are you sure, you don’t have to go on tonight if you’re not ready. I can tell Ray your head is bothering you.”

I smirked and stood up to approach my boyfriend. I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him as I craned my neck to look up at him. “you don’t want me to go out there? You don’t think I’m good enough?” I teased.

Harry’s worried face was replaced by an amused one “I’m not sure if you can handle it.” He teased back. He then wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up. I naturally looped my arms around his neck and looked into his green eyes. It was amazing to me now that I was able to ever be apart from him.

“You look very nice tonight.” Harry said slowly grinning at me.

“You look pretty great too.” I said casually playing with his curls. “You’re going to break a few hearts tonight.”

“I’m alright with that as long as one of those hearts isn’t yours.” He said looking me in the eye.

I blushed and hid my face away in his shoulder “you’re so corny!” I giggled. Harry laughed and set me down. He flopped himself down on the couch and picked up a magazine.  I walked over to the mirror to look myself over one last time.

“So what are you doing later?” Harry asked cockily from the couch. He peaked over the top of the magazine and wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed “I’m not sure. Hopefully my boyfriend has something planned.” I said leaning on my vanity.

Harry pouted “who’s this boyfriend?” he asked.

I smiled at him and idly twisted a piece of my hair “He’s pretty amazing. He’s famous so you might know him; he’s from this band One Direction.”

“Never heard of them.” Harry said before flipping the page of his magazine.

I giggled and continued “yeah his name is Niall Horan.”

Harry looked up from his magazine to glare at me. “He sounds terrible.” Harry declared before throwing his magazine down. He stood up and walked over to me. He placed his hands on my hips pulling me close to him. Harry moved in so his lips were only inches from mine.

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