chapter 29

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"Hi love." Harry said softly looking at me through his eyelashes.

I took another step back. My heart was beating a million beats per second. I stared at him not knowing what to say. I tried opening my mouth but no words came out.

" Can I come in?" He asked taking a step forward. My hand shot out stopping him. " stay there." I said breathlessly. His face fell and he nodded returning to his place outside. He shoved his hands into his pockets waiting for me to say something. I stared at him with wide eyes. It was like I didnt even know the person standing infront of me. I crossed my arms trying to prevent myself from shaking.

"You look nice." He said flatly. I continues to stare at him silently. He let out a deep sigh. "Look, I just want to talk to you."

"Where have you been?" I spat at him. He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst.

He raised his eyebrows " What do you mean where have I-"

"You stormed off after the show without telling anyone where you were going? Your friends were worried sick about you." I yelled at him. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

His face softened seeing how upset I was. " I was just upset. I had to get away." He said quietly.

"You could have at least told one person where you were going. Liam told me none of them had seen or spoken to you for two days Harry. Two Days! Do you know how worried I was when I heard-" I clenched my jaw together tightly stopping myself from finishing my sentence. He wasnt supposed to know how worried I had been.

"What do you want Harry?" I asked coldly. Harry stepped through the door and approached me. He stretched out his arm to touch me but I dodged him.

" You have no right to touch me now. You dont even have a right to come near me." I growled at him.

Harry lowered his arm slowly. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He took a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts and then said " I just want to talk to you."

" I understand that Harry, but I cant." I said trying to sound firm. He narrowed his eyes at me " And whys that?" He asked slowly.

"I have plans tonight." I said brushing past him to get to the mirror. I straightened my hair out and started reapplying more lip gloss. " I was on my way to meet Miranda and Liam when you showed up." I said rubbing my lips together. I could see Harry starring at me with disbelief in the mirror. I turned around trying to seem confident. "So if you dont mind, I really should be going."

"That dress is a little short dont you think?" Harry said narrowing his eyes at me again.

I tried to remain confident while he watched me. I narrowed my eyes back at him " Jesus Harry, Im going to a club not a tea party."

"A club?" He yelled at me shaking his head.

I stood up a little straighter " Yes a club! Miranda thought itd be a good distraction."

"What do you think your going to do at a club?" Harry spat at me.

" I'll do whatever the hell I want! Dance with guys. Maybe even make out with one if I choose to! Thats the nice thing about being single, I can do whatever with whoever! And you dont have any say." I said haughtily. I pushed past him going to the door but he grabbed my arm. He pulled me back to the wall and pushed me up agaisnt it preventing me from leaving. " Let go of me." I growled at him.

"You're not going to that club!" He yelled at me. His face hardned showing how upset he was.

"What gives you any right to tell me what I do? If I choose to kiss someone tonight I will! Its not like I have you to worry about. You certainly didn't worry about me when you kissed Chloe." I shouted back at him.

His face fell. All of his features seemed to soften as he towered above me. He backed away from so I wasnt pinned. I let out a shaky breath releaved I was no longer in his control. " I didnt come here to fight Em." He whispered.

"Why did you come here then Harry? Because all I see now when I look at you is Chloe pressed up against you. I dont see the Harry I was once totally and unbelieveably in love with. I see a self consumed asshole who doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself" I yelled at him.

"Kissing her was a mistake!" He suddenly yelled clenching his fists. My eyes darted to his hands afraid of what provoking him would lead to. He would never hit me though... would he?

"Then why did you do it?" I screamed at him. My voice echoed throughout the house as we both fell silent. "I thought you loved me." I whispered feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks.

Harry unclenched his fists. He took a step forward to pull me into his chest but I stepped back pinning myslef back up agaisnt the wall. He let out a sigh stepping back. Old habbits die hard I guess. "Can you just tell me what happened?" I aksed with a shakey voice.

He stared at me unsure to tell me or not. "Please?" I whispered. He sighed " Louis and I were both in our dressing room. We were kind of slacking and just goofing around not getting ready. Finally Ray came in and told us we were telling you the big news tonight so we had to get ready fast. Louis and I then hurried up and got ready. Not long after Ray had left Chloe knocked on our door. She told Louis that Liam wanted to talk to him or something like that. Louis was apprehensive about leaving but finally did leave." He paused shutting his eyes.

" Then what happened?" I asked.

Harry opened his eyes and looked at me sadly. " Well, I wasnt finsished getting ready yet so I stayed. Chloe actually came into the room after Louis left and closed the door behind her. I knew I should have gotten out of there but I didnt. She kept inching closer and closer to me until she was pressed up agaisnt me. She kept saying how sexy she thought I was and how if I kissed her you would never find out, that it would be between the two of us. She said that I shouldnt close myself off to one girl when im so young. She said that this was the time to have fun and not get into any serious relationships." Harry said shaking his head. "I knew what she was saying was total bull shit but i didn't stop her, and I didn't stop her when she leaned up and kissed me." He finsihed quietly.

I swalloed thickly taking in his story. He tried to step forward again but I stopped him. "I told you not to touch me." I said rasing my voice.

Harry stared at me with disbelief again " why did you have me tell you if it was only going to make you more upset?" He yelled back at me.

I shook my head feeling the anger build back up inside of me " You know you didnt just hurt me. Remember Niall? One of your best friends? That was his girlfriend Harry!"

"I wasnt thinking! And its not like I kissed her, she kissed me!" He shot at me.

My body fell numb at his last words " You do realize how lame that excuse is right?" I growled at him.

He glared at me without speaking. My phone suddenly started buzzing breaking the tension in the room.

"Hello?" I anwsered coldly still glarring at Harry.

"Where are you? Did you get lost?" Miranda yelled over blarring music.

" No, there was a hold up at my house, but Im on my way." I said hanging up the phone. Harry and I continued to glare at eachother. " Im leaving, dont be here when I get back." I said going for the door again.

Harry grabbed my arm for the second time trying to prevent me from leaving. "I told you, youre not going to that club."

"We are not together anymore. You have no control over me. I dont not and will not love you again no matter what you say, so let me go." I spat at him harshly.

Harry released his grip on me and stepped back. My head spinned as my last scentence echoed in my ears. Did I really just say that to him? I hesitated at the door seeing Harry look at me with such sad eyes. He then averted his eyes and clenched his fists "Ill be sure to be gone by the time you get back." He said through a clenched jaw. Without saying another word I slipped out the door leaving Harry behind me.

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