Chapter 2

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The rest of my blocks I was a sweaty mess. What have you gotten yourself into I thought over and over again. You’re just setting yourself up for failure! You know better than this!

 The last bell of the day made me jump. Oh shit I thought.

I walked shakily to my locker. Miranda, as bubbly as ever, strode up to me. “Ready to go?” She asked ‘we can go to my house and do me if you want?”

I wasn’t listening to what she was saying. “Em” she said pushing my shoulder. She gave me a “well” look.

“Is it too late to slam my head in my locker to avoid having to do this?” I stammered shooting her a crazy eyed look.

“What?” she asked laughing. ‘Why are you being so dramatic?”

I just shut my locker, and accepted my fate.

She linked arms with me as we walked to her car mindlessly chatting about god knows what. I was too busy thinking about running away.

We pulled up to her house. She jumped out to punch in the garage code. Soon we were parked.

I collapsed on her bed barring my head in her pillows. Miranda walked about her room collecting the various items we needed.

“Okay “she said “time to get going.” She poked my butt but I remained still trying to put it off as long as I could.

I sat up and pouted. She examined me for a second and said “you are not going to be filmed looking like that. You look like shit.”

Giving her a hurt expression I peered around her to look at my reflection. My hair was falling out of it bun and my mascara was partially smeared from lying down too long. I took my bun out and combed through it a few times. I wiped the smeared mascara off and applied new mascara and a bit of eyeliner. I smiled at my reflection. My lips were a little chapped so they were a nice red color.

“Better?” I said turning around and flashing a toothy smile while I posed like one of the girls in a Victoria secret add.

“Oh very attractive.” She laughed. She sat me down and pointed the camera in my direction. “Do you know what you’re going to sing?” she asked.

I thought for a moment and then knew the perfect song. I knew it by heart and I loved the lyrics.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Go ahead whenever you’re ready.” She said giving me a reassuring smile.

“What do I say?” I whispered.

“I don’t know, just like your name and such.”

“Ok uh hi guys, Oh wait do you watch this?” I looked over at Miranda to see if she knew my answer. She shrugged so I continued “Anyway My Name is Emily and I’m 16. I’ll be singing Moments.” I smiled awkwardly at the camera

I took a deep breathe. Breathe I thought. I began singing. 

“Shut the door, turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this even though I try

Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face.”

I finished the song and laughed finally able to breathe . At least it was over.

Miranda looked up and smiled “that was great!” she exclaimed.

She sat at the computer for a long time editing and such while I lied on her bed string up at the sealing. What if they chose me? I thought. What if I got to meet them? The excitement took over me and I squealed and threw a few kicks.

Miranda turned round and said “well I submitted it!”

“How long do we wait?” I asked eagerly.

“You should know by the end of the week!”

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