chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up to a knock on my door. “Come in” I said sleepily as I sat up.

“Good morning, I just wanted to let you know that tonight you will all appear on Jay Leno. This is your first chance to make an appearance as our lucky winner.” Ray said

“I get to go on with them?” I exclaimed.

Ray laughed “well of course. Everyone is very excited to meet you seeing as we haven’t said anything about you yet. The fans of course know there is a winner but they don’t know who.” He must have seen the nervous look on my face because he said “ don’t worry you’ll do fine. There will be a stylist there who will pick out an outfit and do your make up and such so you don’t have to worry about that. And it’s not until later tonight so you have all day to do whatever.”

“okay great thanks for letting me know.” I said. He smiled and left the room.

I fell back down onto my pillow. Jay Leno! I thought. I checked the time on my clock. 10:30 AM it read.

I walked out of my room still in my jammies and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. By now I could get myself to the kitchen no problem. When I walked in I was surprised to see Harry sitting eating cereal.

He looked up as I entered and said, “cute.” I assumed he was referring to the bun.

“I’m surprised to see you up and clothed.”

He smiled continuing to eat his breakfast. I grabbed my banana and sat across from him.

When he was finished he said “so did you hear about the interview?”

“Yeah, how are interviews?” I asked feeling apprehensive.

“There no big deal, you go, look beautiful, answer some questions, and you’re done.”

“Huh, you make it sound so easy.” My banana didn’t taste as good as the butterflies started in my stomach. I looked up to see harry looking at me. “What?” I asked touching my face.

“Nothing” he said smiling.

“Tell me!” I said hitting his arm.

He continued to smile his alluring smile and said “do you want to go swimming with me? The other guys are already out there.”

“uh yeah sure just give me some time to shower.”

‘ okay ill see you out there.” He winked at me and left.

I felt the stubble on my leg. Showering was definitely a good idea. Did I bring a bathing suit? I thought

I walked back to my room praying that I remembered a bathing suit. I rummaged through my drawers. Aha I thought as I pulled out my bathing suit. I then quickly jumped in the shower and got rid of my harry leg problem.

When I got out I swiftly pulled on my bathing suit. I examined myself in the mirror. Why hadn’t I worked out like I should have? I wasn’t fat by far, I was just being overly critical. I walked back down the hall. Did I know where to go to find the back yard? I walked through the kitchen to find a sliding door that led outside. I was greeted by the sound of music and splashing. The guys had already jumped in. I didn’t really plan on swimming just tanning. The pool was huge. In half of it a volleyball court was set up and the other side was free for swimming. The guys were involved in an intense game of volleyball. I had hoped I could sneak past them without drawing too much attention to myself.  Despite my attempts Harry saw me and based on his expression my body wasn’t as out of shape as I thought it was. He kept his eyes locked on me as I crossed the yard to the lawn chairs. He was paying so much attention to me that Louis had become annoyed and threw the ball right at his face. Harry immediately turned his attention to him as he lunged at him to drown him under water. Niall jumped out when he saw that I had come outside. He walked over to the chairs and plopped himself down in the one next to me.

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