chapter 4

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 Sunlight ripped through the gaps in the curtains shinning on my face. I buried myself farther into the heap of sheets trying to hide form the sun. It found me wherever I tried to hide so I opened my eyes. I examined my room. It was large. Across from my bed were a sofa and a couple of chairs. The door next to the window led into what seemed to be gigantic bathroom. I stretched and sat up. I need a shower after such a long night. I fumbled out of bed. I walked to the bathroom door and swung it open. The bathroom was stunning. I stood there admiring its shiny quality. I walked to the shower and turned the hot water on. I striped and jumped inside. The hot water ran down my body and relaxed my muscles. I ran my hands through my hair to get it wet and washed it with the soap I found inside. Out of habit I started to sing and dance around forgetting where I was. I got out and toweled off. I picked my outfit for the day out and flounced down the hall. Why was this place so huge? I thought. I walked slowly trying to figure out where I was. I came to a fork in the hall way and peered down each side trying to determine where to turn. I decide right was the right choice. I was right; I came to the main entrance. Okay the kitchen I thought where is it?

A man walked up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I flew around taken by surprise.

“You must be Emily.” He said smiling.

“Yes that me” I said relieved to see someone who might be able to help me.

“We have arranged for you to meet the boys, so if you will follow me.” I followed him down the same hallway I came. He opened a door that led to a stair case. How haunted mansion I thought.

After descending the stairs we came to what seemed to be a recording room. It had a sound booth which tipped me off and other various things. The boys all had their back to the door mindlessly chatting. They were all still in their pajamas. Apparently this meeting was thrown together at the last minute. Holy shit I’m about to meet one direction I thought.

“Guys” the man said.

They all flipped around to greet him, and were surprised by my presence.

‘This is Emily, the young lady who won the contest.” He said smiling.

“Hey.” One of them said “I’m Liam and this is Zayn, niall, and Louis.” He smiled. So I smiled back.

The man suddenly said “where’s Harry?”

“God if I know.” Liam said.

“Okay well then you can meet him later.” The man said turning to look at me.

“Uh great.” I said.

“So anyway I’ll leave you guys alone to bond and such.” He laughed and turned around to leave.

“So your video was great.” Liam spoke up trying to break the silence.

“O thanks” I laughed “it wasn’t actually my idea. I was kind of forced into it.” I shrugged.

They all smiled at me. “Well it’s a good thing you did then.” They all stood there awkwardly looking at me.

“so how bout a tour?” Niall said smiling at me. Zayn nudged him and wagged his eyebrows.  niall glowered at him

“Yeah that would be great,” I said. “This place is huge.”

“Yeah it’s Harry’s place actually.” Zayn spoke up. “Were just using it until our concert is over.”

“Oh that’s cool.” Why was I being so weird? I need to speak but I couldn’t.

Niall stepped forward “okay let’s go.”

He opened the door for me. When we reached the top of the stairs he said “okay let’s see….” He walked to the front of the house and said “ So from the main entrance the kitchen is that way” he pointed down on of the long hallways “ and all of our rooms are this way” he pointed down another long hallway, “ and sense our rooms are here they probably put you in the rooms that way.” He pointed down the hall I came from. “They don’t want anything happening to you, putting you near rooms with 5 teenage boys is dangerous.” He laughed. He had a really cute laugh which lit up His whole face. I couldn’t help but laugh too. “But anyway if you ever need anything like I said our rooms are that way.” I tried to take a mental note of the way he told me. Left Left Left I repeated.

“I’m going to head to the kitchen, but feel free to explore.” He winked at me and left down the hallway to the kitchen. I was left alone to find my way again. I decided to explore the section of the house where their rooms were sense I’d never seen it before.

I wandered down the large hallway lost in my thoughts. I can’t believe I’m here. This place is so beautiful. I wander why harry didn’t come to meet me. Maybe he didn’t think I should have won. This thought made me sad a little but I tried to push it out of my head. I wonder if I’ll ever meet-

I was stopped short as I collided with something. I immediately jumped back feeling the dampness of my clothes now. I looked up to see what I had collided with. My eyes met with two perfect green ones. I pulled my eyes away long enough to examine the rest of his face. Damp brown curls rested on his forehead. He had a nice nose. My eyes then went to his lips. A smirk was dancing on his lips. I then dragged my eyes down the rest of his body. He was shirtless and wet. He only wore a towel that rode dangerously low on his hips.

“Hi.” He said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Why are you wet?” I blurted out. I immediately blushed and wished I could take back what I said.

He laughed. “I just took a shower.”

“Why are you walking around the house then?” I said suddenly very aware of the fact that he was only wearing a towel.

“You’re lucky he has a towel on this time.” A voice said behind me. I turned to see Louis walking up the hall. On his way passing us he tried to yank the towel off of who I assumed was Harry. Harry struggled a bit but managed to keep the towel around his waist. “Fuck you!” he yelled after Louis laughing.

He then turned his attention back to me.

“And who are you love?” He flashed an incredible smile.

My heart skipped a beat. I stood there not being able to find the words. He just stood there a grinned until I managed “I’m Emily Doll.” I continued “you would know that if you came to meet me earlier.”

My remark didn’t faze him at all. He continued to smirk at me.

“Well I’m definitely sorry that I missed you.” I could feel his eyes all over me.

“Next time why don’t you try clothes?” I smirked at him and brushed by him. The second I was away from him my heart started beating very fast. I leaned against the wall. I still had the image of his wet chest running through my mind. I tried to calm down. I walked back down the hall and went to my room.  My meeting with Harry really shook me up. Why was I like this? He was just a guy. A really hot guy.

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